On this page you can see a brief summary of the contents of previous issues of Speedscene. Most issues featured in this archive can be bought on-line here. Back copies of issues not featured here may be available and further details can be obtained by contacting Speedscene web admin.Speedscene 230 Sept/Oct 2024
Issue 230 exemplifies everything we love about Speed events starting with a stunning, Nigel Cole image of Matt Ryder' Gould GR59 concentrating hard at Wiscombe in July.Inside Matt's attempts to close the gap on British Hillclimb championship front runner, Alex Summers are detailed in full through BHC reports from Harewood, both Channel Islands events, Wiscombe and Shelsley featuring some of the best images that our much appreciated photographers have contributed. The British Sprint Championship reports cover events from Lydden Hill, Kirkistown and Llandow as Chris Jones begins his late charge for the championship. The Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed championships also receive recognition with their most recent events covered.
Fyrth Crosse reports on the Classic Nostalgia event from Shelsley Walsh in July with both words and pictures while 'A visit to the museum' takes an unusual trun with editor, Michael Clavert's trip to the Italian Air Force museum at Vigna di Valle, including references to the Ferrari logo.Peter Herbert pays homage to the Porsche 911 ST, examples of which appeared in European hillclimbs in the seventies.
Fyrth Crosse continues his engaging auto autobiography (sorry, couldn't resist!) as it enters the eighties and includes a 911.
All of the regular columns are present including those from Paul Parker, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman, obituaries and book reviews and are joined by a new column from former HSA Chairman, Les Buck called Buck's Fizz with the intention of following in the tyre tracks of (and honouring the memory of) former Speedscene columnist, Clive Wooster.

Speedscene 230 Sept/Oct 2024 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 230 Sept/Oct 2024 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 229 June/July 2024
The Issue 229 cover features the colourful Maestro of Dave Mockford taken at Pembrey by Rowan Flynn.Inside the reports begin with the British Hillclimb rounds from Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley & Doune followed by British Sprint reports from Blyton, Pembrey & Mallory. These are followed by championship round up of the Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed series and a Steve Wilkinson photo report of Harewood's Classic & Vintage hillclimb in June.
Matthew Bainbridge describes SB Racing's maiden entry to the Saint Gouéno Masters event and John Brown reports on the Pilbeam 50th Anniversary celebration at Curborough. Chris Bennett pays homage to the under appreciated and ultra fast Pembrey circuit and goes on to visit the Museo Enzo Ferrari in Modena. Fyrth Crosse continues his intriguing account of his ealry motorised experiences while John Loudon provides a company update on SBD Motorsport as it undergoes a change in ownership. Graham Blackwell continues his series of interesting technical articles as he describes his efforts to optimise his Mygale's launch and traction control.
All the other familiar columns from Paul Parker, Andrew Dinner, Jerry Sturman and Chris Bennett are present and correct except for the popular and long running Wooster Sauce as Clive sadly passed away recently and is fondly remembered in the obituaries section.

Speedscene 229 June/July 2024 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 229 June/July 2024 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 228 May/June 2024
Speedscene Issue 228 features a Neil Lambert shot of Graham Blackwell's Mygale at a wet Anglesey in April.The reports begin with the 2024 Woodford Trailers Motorsport UK HSA British Sprint Championship rounds at Cadwell, Mallory and Anglesey. These events were also rounds of the Woodford Trailers Motorsport UK HSA SPrint Leaders and Woodford Trailers HSA Speed championships.
Paul Parker's 'Technical and Otherwise' column considers the future of speed events and looks at the introduction of NOVA tyres and overseas equivalents to UK Speed events. Chris Bennett visits the Prince Rainier automobile museum in Monaco while Fyrth Crosse continues to tell his life story through the cars he has owned and (usually) enjoyed. Jerry Sturman laments the passing of the Brighton Speed Trials by looking back and some of the more notable events from its past.
The issue concludes with all the usual columns and plenty of book reviews.

Speedscene 228 May/June 2024 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 228 May/June 2024 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 227 March/April 2024
Issue 227 looks to the coming season with a Rob MacDonald image of the familiar Shelsley start area.Being the 'off'' season the issue features plenty of general interest articles including an introduction to Gemma Price, the General Manager at Prescott and this is followed by Mike Smith's review of his season in 2023 which somehow manages to feature, fellow North Easterner, Mark Knopfler.
The museum visit this time is the Macau Grand Prix museum which isn't just about F3 and Touring cars. John Loudon describes the developments undertaken by Daytuner of the latest generation of Suzuki GSXR engines while Clive Wooster looks back fondly on his time competing in various, Patrick Head designed, Delta single seaters. Fyrth Crosse goes even further back in time to his early two and four wheeled memories from the fifties and sixties.
Steve Wilkinson picks out some of the most notable hillclimb and sprint cars from the seventies and eighties and Jerry Sturman considers the important role played in hillclimbing by the diminutive Cooper 500 type cars in the immediate post war years.
The issue concludes with all the usual features including some very interesting book reviews, columns from regular contributors including Clive Wooster, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett, Paul Parker and Jerry Sturman and, finally, all the answers to the Christmas quiz.

Speedscene 227 March/April 2024 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 227 March/April 2024 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 226 Nov/Dec 2023
The final issue of 2023 features a typically dramatic Knockhill photo by John Stewart, this time depicting Stewart Robb's Pilbeam Judd V10 in the wet.Inside you can find reports of the final rounds of the British Hillclimb Championship (Loton, Prescott and Loton again), the British Sprint Championship (Pembrey, Blyton, Anglesey, Knockhill and Combe) along with plenty of photos and summaries from the final Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed rounds.
John Brown provides a season round up of the immensely popular Formula Ford challenge comprising both Sprints and Hillclimbs and keeps his pen handy with a report and photos from the Bo'ness revival meeting.
Alistair Clark, having described the restoration and preparation for competition of his 6 cyclinder Triumph Vitesse in an earlier issue, recounts his successful first full season in the car. Graham Blackwell provides some technical insights into the development of his ex Formula Ford Mygale into a front running British Sprint contender while Speedscene enjoys a 'behind the scenes' tour of Race Control at a Donington race week-end. Peter Herbert takes a look at sprinting by considering the past, present and future.
All of the usual columns from Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman, Paul Parker, Chris Bennett, and Andrew Dinner are present and correct along with plenty of book reviews and cars for cale. Being the final issue of the year Speedscene 226 concludes with the traditional Christmas Quiz.

Speedscene 226 Nov/Dec 2023 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 226 Nov/Dec 2023 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 225 Sept/Oct 2023
The cover of Issue 225 is an interesting start line photo of former British Sprint champion, Steve Miles, provided by BARC Midlands who organised the Snetterton event.Reports begin with British Hillclimb championship events at Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val de Terres, Wiscombe and Shelsley with a couple of events featuring the new and exciting Tin Top challenge for closed cars. The British Sprint championship visits Lydden Hill, Kirkistown and Snetterton followed by updates and photos from all the Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed championship rounds.
Richard Besant provides a pictorial and descriptive summary of the Prescott Club meeting in July while Steve Chaloner continues the story of his project to ultimately compete at St Ursanne, Switzerland. Well known Caterham competitor and proprietor or Meteor Motosrport, Simon Rogers is the subject of the 'Introducing...' feature and, in this issue's museum visit, Peter Herbert reports on the Louwman museum in the Netherlands.
In his leader column and his 'Technical & otherwise' feature, HSA Chairman Paul Parker discusses the subject of declining numbers in championship across the board and in top level sprinting in particular. Peter Herbert continues this theme and makes a number of suggestions to turn the situation around.
The issue concludes with the regular columns from Clive Wooster, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett and Jerry Sturman with the latter taking a long look back at the Great Auclum hill which last held an event nearly 50 years ago. Finally, among the book reviews, John Aston provides an extended review of James Page's story of Hesketh Racing - 'Superbears'.

Speedscene 225 Sept/Oct 2023 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 225 Sept/Oct 2023 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 224 July/Aug 2023
Issue 224 begins with a Steve Lister cover photo of Dave Roberts' mighty 5.0l McLaren M18 at Gurston. Inside the reports start with British Hillclimb rounds at Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley and Doune followed by British Sprint rounds at Blyton, Lydden and Pembrey and concluding with reports and photos from various Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed rounds.New contributor Richard Besant provides details and a two page photo spread of the Prescott Historique meeting backed up with a report and images from the two day Prescott mid summer meeting. There is an interesting article about the ex Will Hall Force WH which has been re-engineered by Alan Cassells with a highly boosted Honda K20 engine on methanol with a power output in excess of 800bhp. Steve Chaloner continues pursuit of his dream to compete at St Ursanne in Switzerland by developing his car in UK competition.
Les Buck relates his first experiences of using a BEV tow car with some success. The subject of the "Introducing....." feature is front running British Hillclimb cometitor, Matt Ryder. There are four pages of topical and interesting book reviews followed by a look into budget CAD systems that are now within the reach of the amateur competitor.
The issue concluded with the usual columns from Jerry Sturman, Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett and Andrew Dinner.

Speedscene 224 July/Aug 2023 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 224 July/Aug 2023 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 223 May/June 2023
The cover of Speedscene edition 223 features Graham Blackwell, preparing to kick off his BSC season at a wet Cadwell Park. It includes reports from the British Hillclimb meetings at Prescott and Craigantlet, and from British Sprint Championship events at Cadwell Park and Anglesey, along with a host of Sprint Leaders and HSA meetings. Columnist Les Buck discusses a subject that many competitors will be considering, which is whether an electric car will have the performance and range to make a suitable tow vehicle. Speedscene takes a deep dive into the technology options for sim racing to understand the options that are available for the budding online competitor. We report from Race Retro 2023, and from the extensive collection at the Fuji Motorsports Museum. Issue 223 contains Speedscene’s usual extensive range book reviews of editions new and old and continues with columns from regular correspondents including Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker.12/06/2023

Speedscene 223 May/June 2023 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 223 May/June 2023 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 222 March/April 2023
The first edition of 2023 begins with an atmospheric shot of Mark Hobbs leaving the line in the Escort Mk 2 at last year’s Prescott Rallye Day, the first competitive speed hillclimb to be held in darkness. Richard Besent provides an article on the meeting, including personal testimony from drivers competing at this somewhat unique event.Our ‘Introducing’ feature profiles reigning British Sprint and Sprint Leaders Champion Matt Hillam, while Alistair Clark introduces his somewhat unusual choice of hillclimb vehicle — a 1970 Triumph Vitesse Mk2 saloon. Clive Wooster recalls his early forays into speed events aboard a Ginetta G15, while Chris Bennett pays a visit to Longman Racing in Christchurch, Dorset to discover how this familiar name has entered a new era in its history. Speedscene also meets with McEntee Racing, a company that is looking to launch the world’s first commercially-available electric race car, the Roughshark. Our “Day at the museum” feature reports from the Musée Gilles Villeneuve, Berthierville, Quebec. Issue 222 contains Speedscene’s usual extensive range book reviews of editions new and old and continues with columns from regular correspondents including Clive Wooster, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker. The answers to the now-traditional (and fiendishly tricky) Speedscene Christmas Quiz close the issue.

Speedscene 222 March/April 2023 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 222 March/April 2023 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 221 Nov/Dec 2022
The final issue of 2022 begins, appropriately enough, with a cover photo by John Hallett of the British Hillclimb Champion, Wallace Menzies, at Prescott.The end of year reports featured include the BHC rounds at Prescott and Loton and BSC rounds at Knockhill, Blyton, Anglesey and Castle Combe. The final Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed rounds of the year are also covered along with a special report of the Pre '94 Formula Ford Challenge finale at Curborough in October. Two further hillclimb reports are featured with Steve Wilkinson reporting from Bo'ness and well known author, journalist and competitor, Ed McDonough recounts his first hand experience of the Vernasca Silver Flag hillclimb near Piacenza. In a similar vein, Steve Challoner reports from his favourite hillclimb meeting - the FIA round at St Ursanne Les Rangiers in Switzerland.
Peter Herbert looks aback on the life and times of competitor and entrant, Tommy Clapham while the 'introducing' spotlight falls on farmer, tri-athlete, Audi fan, sprinter and hillclimber, Simon Bainbridge. With the car now up for sale, Alan Goodwin (of ALDON) completes the story of the Aldon AL3 sports racer, the earlier history of which has been covered in previous editions of Speedscene.
Issue 221 continues with the usual columns from Clive Wooster, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman, Paul Parker, Steve Challoner plus a season summary from Graham Blackwell (third in the British Sprint with his Mygale) and the usual book reviews, obituaries and classifieds. Finally, being the last issue of the year the Christmas Quiz closes the issue.

Speedscene 221 Nov/Dec 2022 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 221 Nov/Dec 2022 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 220 September / October 2022
Issue 220 opens with a photo of Stephen Laing’s Caterham R500 exiting Lydden’s North Bend.
With the season in full swing there are full BHC reports from Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe Park and Shelsley, BSC reports from Lydden and Kirkistown ands a round up of the latest Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed events.
Steve Wilkinson continues his series on now-discontinued venues with his memories of Carnaby 2 Sprint, whist we report on the University of Wales Trinity St David’s first competitive sprint aboard an other wise standard Tesla Model 3 — could this be the future of motor sport? Our ‘Introducing’ feature turns its attentions to editor Michael Calvert, while Peter Herbert recounts the life and times of Westfield Sports Cars which sadly went into administration earlier this year.
Steve Chaloner continues on his journey to eventually compete at St Ursanne, while our ‘Day at the Museum’ feature visits the workshops of Classic Team Lotus for a ‘behind the scenes’ tour.
Regular features from Andrew Dinner, Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker complete the issue, along with a number of book reviews and cars for sale.

Speedscene 220 September / October 2022 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 220 September / October 2022 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Sppedscene 219 July/August 2022
Issue 219 kicks off with a more unusual cover photo - a Steve Lister shot of Peter Baker's 1954 Daimler Conquest.With the season in full swing there are full BHC reports from Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley and Doune, BSC reports from Blyton and Pembrey along with a round up of more than a dozen Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed events. Special reports are included of the Prescott Historique and the Kenny Allen memorial hillclimb at Doune.
Steve Wilkinson continues his series of now discontinued venues with his memories of Finlake and there is a photo feature of the Norman Foster automobile exhibition at the Guggenheim. Graham Blackwell reveals the latest developments, turning his Formula Ford Mygale Ecoboost into a British Sprint front runner and Steve Chaloner continues on his journey to eventually compete at St Ursanne.
Regular features from Andrew Dinner, Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker complete the issue along with book reviews and cars for sale.

Sppedscene 219 July/August 2022 £8.20 UK including P&P
Sppedscene 219 July/August 2022 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 218 May/June 2022
Speedscene issue 218's cover features Chris Jones’s 998cc Force TA which achieved a memorable podium place in a British Sprint run-off at the season-opener at Anglesey.The edition starts with in-depth analysis of the first events in the British Hillclimb Championship from Prescott and Craigantlet, and the first two rounds of the British Sprint Championship from and Anglesey. The edition also provides a summary of the opening rounds of the British Hillclimb Cup, Sprint Leaders Championship and HSA Speed Championship.
The latest personality to feature in our “Introducing” series is Martin Ford, a regular sight on the Midlands speed scene and the HSA’s eligibility scrutineer for over ten years. Chris Bennett considers “How and when will electric vehicles regularly take part in speed events” and describes the myriad regulatory and technical issues that currently need to be considered. Clive Wooster reports from the inaugural “Isle of Wight Speed Trials” that definitely left him wanting to go back for more. Steve Wilkinson looks back at the Colerne Sprint in our “Gone but not forgotten” section, whilst in “A day at the museum” David Oldridge visits Beaulieu.
The issue continues with input from an extensive range of regular columnists including book review, Retro Reads, Pilbeam Ponderings, Technical & Otherwise, Around & About with Chris Bennett, Wooster Sauce and Jerry Sturman's "Senior Moments".

Speedscene 218 May/June 2022 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 218 May/June 2022 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 217 March/April 2022
Speedscene issue 217's cover features a Stuart Wing photo of an unusual hillclimb car - Damien Bradley's Subaru Legacy at Prescott.Inside, in the absence of any events to report on, the first article is an introduction to long standing competitor and 2020 HSA Speed champion, Andrew Webber - a varied and interesting motor sport career. This is followed by the story of how Steve Miles took a 1996 Formula Ford Van Diemen and slowly developed it over the years into a British Sprint championship winning car. Appropriately, this is followed by Martin Pickles' enlightening description of the annual MSUK Awards event at the RAC club.
Next up Dave Oldridge remembers the Gurston 'long course' and visits the Silverstone Interactive Museum while John Aston looks back fondly at the Rufforth circuit and Steve Wilkinson recalls Shap Wells hillclimb. Steve Chaloner recounts his visit to Portugal and Braga at the end of the 2021 season for the biennial FIA Hillclimb Masters event.
Getting techical, hillclimber Nigel Elliott draws on 44 years experience in the oil industry to explain exactly what E10 fuel is and what it means to competitors generally.
The issue concludes with the usual items including, book reviews, Pilbeam Ponderings, Technical & Otherwise, Around & About with Chrids Bennett, cars for sale, Wooster Sauceand Senior Moments by Jerry Sturman.

Speedscene 217 March/April 2022 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 217 March/April 2022 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 216 Nov/Dec 2021
The cover of this final Speedscene edition of the 2021 season shows Wallace Menzies exiting the Craigantlet chicane on his way to a second successive BHC title, and as can be expected, the magazine rounds up the outcomes of a wide variety of championships as the season draws to a close. The edition includes reports from the exciting final BHC rounds at Prescott, Craigantlet and Loton, as well as from the concluding BSC rounds at Blyton, Anglesey and Combe where a great many records fell. As well as a summary of the final rounds of the Sprint Leaders and HSA Speed Championships, Speedscene 216 includes an extensive and personal perspective on the FIA Hillclimb Masters meeting in Braga, Portugal, with some stunning action photography from Stuart Wing. John Brown reports on a close year of competition in the Pre-94 Formula Ford Challenge, while Ben Hamer recounts the exploits of two young drivers taking full advantage of the recent regulation changes that permit competition driving for 14-16 year olds. Roger Warren of MMTS is our “Introducing” candidate, and shares the behind-the-scenes secrets about how our events get timed. Peter Herbert’s “One that got away” tells the story of the BHC’s visits to the Lhergy Frissell Hillclimb on the Isle of Man, while David Oldridge reports from the Brooklands Museum – having opened in 1907, the venue advertises itself as the “birthplace of British motorsport” (although a certain location in the Teme valley might dispute that!)Bill Drysdale tells the story of his Porsche 904 replica while Steve Wilkinson’s look back at speed venues of the past turns its attentions to the New Brighton Sprint. With book reviews and columns from many of Speedscene's regular correspondents including Andrew Dinner, Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman, Peter Hubbard, Chris Bennett and Clive Wooster, this really is a packed edition to close the season. And of course, no season would be complete without Jerry Sturman’s traditional Christmas Quiz which rounds off the magazine.

Speedscene 216 Nov/Dec 2021 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 216 Nov/Dec 2021 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 215 September / October 2021
The cover shot for Speedscene 215 features Sean Gould in record-beating form at August's Shelsley meeting. Following a busy summer, the issue includes BHC reports from Barbon, Harewood, Prescott, Wiscombe and Shelsley, and BSC reports from Lydden, Knockhill, and Kirkistown . The edition also reports from a raft of HSA Championship summer rounds, and catches up with the action in the Sprint Leaders Championship.Amongst extensive editorial content, Steve Wilkinson reflects on the European hillclimbers who made it to Formula 1, while Les Buck visits Ginetta to see their latest developments in the company's Garforth factory. Steve Wilkinson continues his series looking at speed venues of the past by recalling the high speed venue that was the Durrie Hillclimb. David Oldridge talks with Andy Tippett for the inside track on the history of his Brabham BT30X-1, whilst aboard slightly less exotic machinery, Steve Chaloner reports on his continuing quest to rise through the ranks from restarting competition this year, to ultimately aiming to compete in the European Championship at St Ursanne-Les Rangiers. John Brown turns his attention to the weather to examine the effects that serious meteorological conditions have had on BHC rounds over the years, while David Oldridge takes shelter inside the Atwell-Wilson Motor Museum in Wiltshire.
The issue concludes up with the regular features of book reviews and cars for sale, and includes columns from many of its regular correspondents inciding Andrew Dinner, Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman, Chris Bennett and Clive Wooster.

Speedscene 215 September / October 2021 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 215 September / October 2021 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 214 July/Aug 2021
Issue 214 features a nice Goodwood action shot of Zoe Kingham in the mighty SBD Westfield Ecoboost by Mike Curtin.With action returning to the hills and the tracks there are BHC reports from Loton, Gurston, Shelsley and Doune, BSC reports from Blyton, Pembrey and Snetterton and HSA Speed reports from Goodwood, Blyton, Pembrey, Harewood, Werrington, Barbon, Prescott, Curborough and Snetterton.
Peter Herbert concludes his series of articles on current BHC tracks with Craigantlet, Chris Mason writes an 'ode to a week-end's speed hillclimbing' , Dave Oldridge brings the story of his automotive career up to date, John Brown continues his series of classic hillclimb cars with the Pilbeam MP58, Dave Oldridge re-visits the Coventry Transport Museum and (separately) interviews Chris Jones and Steve Wilkinson looks back on the Blackpool Sprints. Former Speedscene correspondent, Steve Challoner returns to our pages with the first report on his quest to gain an International licence and compete in the European Hillclimb championship having visited St Ursanne in 2014.
The issue winds up with the regular features of book reviews and cars for sale and columns from Andrew Dinner, Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman, Chris Bennett and Clive Wooster.

Speedscene 214 July/Aug 2021 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 214 July/Aug 2021 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 213 May/June 2021
This edition’s cover features Andrew Dinner heading to the Wiscombe finish line in the dappled afternoon sunlight. David Oldridge provides the first in his two part series “Messing about in cars” where he recalls the start of his fascinating automotive career and early motor sport activities. Peter Herbert heads to Guernsey for the next instalment of his review of BHC venues while regular competitor James Kerr is the subject of our “introducing” profile. In the article “The Eight Bends of Goodwood”, competitor and instructor Clive Wooster recalls the trials and tribulations at his favourite circuit. Chris Mason recalls the period he spent compiling the seminal book “Uphill Racers” with the support of Jim Thomson of Guyson. In the first of a new series “Gone, but not forgotten” Steve Wilkinson looks back at speed venues of the past, starting with the Oddicombe hillclimb in Devon. Speedscene 213 includes book and video reviews aplenty to keep even the most ardent motor sport fan occupied, while Anthony Knight recalls a particularly interesting work assignment when his company “Phonepower Wales” become sponsors of Bill Blydenstein’s Dealer Team Vauxhall operation. With columns from our regular contributors including Jerry Sturman, Clive Wooster, Andrew Dinner, Paul Parker and many others, Speedscene 213 is a packed edition that will entertain any enthusiast of our disciplines.08/06/2021

Speedscene 213 May/June 2021 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 213 May/June 2021 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 212 March/April 2021
The cover of Issue 212 is a flashback to more normal times as Martin Groves apporaches the Shelsley startline in his Gould GR55B in August 2005.John Aston follows up on John Brown's asrticle in Issue 211 by looking at other forms of motor sport as a guide to making speed events more accessible to the public. Dave Oldridge continues his story of OMS looks at the carbon models.
Peter Herbert heads to Jersey for the next instalment of his review of BHC venues while Dave Oldridge visits the Haynes International Motor Museum. Chris Bennett tries something completely different - a virtual hillclimb championship in Europe - and looks at what it takes to compete in the on-line world.
Cheshire racing car specialist , Damon Milnes, recalls all of the cars he has competed in since 1984 and a very varied bunch it is too!
Chris Mason profiles the 'godfather' of Yorkshire hillclimbing - Mike Wilson.
The issue concludes with an interview with Force's Ian Dayson, copious book reviews (ideal for lockdown entertainment) and regular pieces from Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman, Andreww Dinner and Paul Parker.

Speedscene 212 March/April 2021 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 212 March/April 2021 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 211 November/December 2020
Despite only having a limited number of competitive events to report on, Speedscene 211 rounds off the 2020 season with another bumper edition of articles and editorial. Its cover features Howie Fowler’s photo of Tony Bonfield at the wheel of the Jedi Mk4 leaving the line at Wiscombe, carrying the message “Thank you for marshalling” – a sentiment that is particularly appropriate in these challenging times.Speedscene 211 kicks off with reports from a number of HSA rounds including Shelsley Walsh, Blyton Park and the season-ending event at Curborough, and includes an ‘insider’s-view’ of what it takes to organise a speed event in these COVID-19 times. Released from commentating this season, John Brown offers a thought-provoking article where he suggests possible changes to our sport’s traditional scoring and record-keeping practices that would make it easier to understand for the casual spectator. Peter Herbert continues his round up of British Hillclimbs by reporting on his experiences at Wiscombe Park and on the history of this popular Devon venue, while Chris Mason recalls his time as a reporter for Autosport in the 1960s.
Dave Oldridge interviews prolific Formula Ford competitor Carole Nicholls, and also starts a series suggesting automotive museums likely to be of interest to Speedscene readers; his first stop is at the British Motor Museum Gaydon, where he encounters some memorable vehicles, including a hillclimb special designed by Issigonis. There are plenty of suggestions for reading matter including books both retro and new. Ian Purkis reports on a unique achievement in the Birkett six-hour relay race of 1964 where a single-family team won the Ballamy Shield, and puts out an appeal for any information as to the whereabouts of one of the cars that formed part of the victorious team. We carry obituaries for two popular members of the speed event community — David Hunter and Kim Johnson, alongside features from our regular communists including Paul Parker, Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman, Andrew Dinner and a raft of other regular contributors. The edition concludes with our traditional Christmas Quiz to tax the grey matter of all speed event enthusiasts

Speedscene 211 November/December 2020 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 211 November/December 2020 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 210 September/Oct 2020
Despite competitive events still being thin on the ground, Speedscene 210 is a bumper 50 page edition. Its cover features John Hallett’s photo of Stephen Moore’s Mitsubishi Evo 6 being prepared to leave the line at Shelsley by PPE-equipped marshals. Definitely a sign of the times…Speedscene 210 kicks off with reports from a few of the events that have taken place, including Sean Gould’s win at Shelsley, and FTD for Trevor Willis at Harewood. We also round up progress in the HSA championship and provide a summary of other events that have taken part since the resumption of competition.
Speedscene’s cohort of contributors fill the rest of the magazine with a fascinating array of material. John Brown concludes his two piece article considering the important role of the commentator in making our sport accessible to its public. Peter Herbert continues his round up of British Hillclimbs by taking a look at Gurston Down, while Chris Mason reflects on how his formative visits to Barbon Manor cemented his love of hillclimbing.
In his article “Racing on the Roads”, Michael Beattie reports on the Ulster hillclimb scene which makes extensive use of the public highway, often causing some “interesting” challenges for event organisers and competitors alike.
Dave Oldridge interviews double British Sprint champion Nick Algar and in a separate story, winds the clock back to a Prescott meeting in September 1953 to reveal some surprisingly high profile competitors, including Stirling Moss. The catalyst for this article was the opportunity Dave had to delve into the Pick family archive, and Dave summarises elements of David Pick’s racing career in the ‘50s, including the story of his unfortunate and rather destructive encounter with Prescott’s timing hut.
Chris Bennett provides an update on the FIA’s “Performance factor” system to classify racing cars, while a number of reviews of books, both retro and current will provides ample reading suggestions for any automotive enthusiast.
Peter Herbert’s piece “Mr and Mrs” asks whether couples competing together is a recipe for marital bliss or disaster, and considers many of the most high-profile competition couples of recent times. Ted Slade recalls happy days of competition in Formula 1172 and 1200. The issue is rounded off with features from Paul Parker, Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman, Andrew Dinner and a raft of other regular contributors.

Speedscene 210 September/Oct 2020 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 210 September/Oct 2020 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 209 July/August 2020
For the second 'lockdown' issue Speedscene 209 is surprisingly large at 48 pages, including the cover, which features a Steve Lister photo of Rodney Eyles' impressive Alfa 4C.Once again, there are no events to report on so it is left to the cohort of contributors to fill the pages, beginning with Hillclimb and Sprint super spectator, John Brown considering the important role of the commentator. Peter Herbert continues his round up of British Hillclimbs by taking a look at Barbon while, inspired by a previous piece about Harewood, Mike Smith re-lives some of his (often amusing) memories at the venue.
British Hillclimb championship co-ordinator, Tim Wilson, provides an update on the 'next chapter' in 2021 and a combined effort by many Speedscene contributors produced a revealing history of the one-off Davrian Stiletto which still campaigns on the hills, almost 40 years on. Dave Oldridge interviews well known hillclimb photographer and film maker, Rich Danby and this is followed by a pair of interesting car histories. In the first, Ian Purkis describes the search for a long lost circuit racing 750MC 'Blue' sister car to the Boult family's Corley Conversions 'Silver' car and in the second Ted Slade describes an interesting 'barn find' Alfa.
For this issue andfor obvious reasons there are three pages of book reviews followed by the second part of Les Buck's story of his Classic Championship winning season in his Pringett Mistrale. Clive Wooster turns back the clock by contemplating every race car he has driven and Dave Oldridge takes a look at the spaceframe single seaters produced by OMS. Finally, Lynn Gilbert describes her visit to the Porsche Ice Driving School in Finland and the issue is rounded off with regular features from Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman and Chris Bennett.

Speedscene 209 July/August 2020 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 209 July/August 2020 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 208 May/June 2020
Normally Issue 208 would be full of reports from hillclimb and sprint events that have taken place during the start of the 2020 season. But this is not normal any more so Issue 208 takes on a quite different look with articles covering the sport past, present and future.The Issue begins with experienced hillclimber, Peter Herbert, reflecting on the changes taking place and those that may lie ahead. This is followed by a look at the future of the British Hillclimb Championship for 2021 and beyond. Peter Herbert is back again and continues his historical review of the BHC's venues with Harewood in Yorkshire being the subject of this feature. John Aston complements Peter's piece by considering the part Harewood played in developing his love for the sport.
Chris Bennett describes his preparations for the 2020 virtual European Hillclimb Championship which appears to have suffered from the same problems as the real world and failed to start on schedule. To releive the tedium of lockdown there are five pages of revies of books, magazines, podcasts and web sites.
Cars are not forgotten, beginning with a highly detailed account of the development of Andy Webber's mighty V8 powered Lotus Europa 47/62, followed by Les Buck's story of the 2019 season with his Mistrale Formula Ford, Chris Bennett describes how 18 months went by while a new gen Suzuki engine was made ready for his Force, Andrew Dinner pauses his Pilbeam stories by looking back at his early days with a Twin Cam powered Royale, Graham Blackwell recounts the redevelopment path that his Mygale has taken following an engine blow up and, finally, there is a car's eye view from the SBD garage.
The issue is rounded off with columns from all the regulars including Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman and Clive Wooster.

Speedscene 208 May/June 2020 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 208 May/June 2020 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 207 March/April 2020
Issue 207 begins with a fine cover shot by Steve Lister of Ben Rolls' seriously engineered and driven Sprite at Gurston Down.Being the 'winter' issue there are few events to report so it begins with a profile of 2019 British Hillclimb champion, Wallace Menzies while Peter Herbert takes a similarly 'in depth' look at Doune as Part 4 of his series of BHC venues.
One winter event that is worthy of a feature is 2020's well attended Race Retro at Stoneleigh, captured photographically by Mike Stokes. Although the issue went to press before the COVID-19 lockdown it just happens to include a couple of articles looking at motor racing eSports. John Aston also looks ahead at the possible future for 'real' motor sport and doesn't hold out much hope and encourages readers to enjoy it now while they can!
The back story to Ian Medcalf's spaceframe Fiat 500 (Speedscene 205) is investigated back to the car's origins in the early eighties.
All the regular columns from Jerry Sturman, Clive Wooster, Paul Parker, Chris Bennett and Andrew Dinner are present and correct along with some interesting book reviews and the results of the Christmas Quiz.

Speedscene 207 March/April 2020 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 207 March/April 2020 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 206 November/December 2019
The cover of Speedscene 206 features Sean Gould firing up Prescott en route to a new hill record. is traditional, this edition kicks off with comprehensive reports from the BHC and BSC as both seasons came to a close. British Hillclimb rounds come from Prescott, Doune and Loton, while BSC reports are from Knockhill and Anglesey where John Graham secured the title. SLC reports are from Blyton, MIRA and Curborough where Justin Andrews took the 2019 title. The HSA Championship reports come from Three Sisters, MIRA, Shelsley Walsh and Curborough.
Alongside a comprehensive round-up of championship finishing positions from the season, Speedscene profiles Deputy Event Director of the newly-founded Watergate Bay Hillclimb who talks about the challenges of laying on such an event on closed public roads, and sets out his aspirations for the future. Peter Herbert continues his series looking at the hills of the British Hillclimb Championship, turning his attention this edition to Loton Park, while it's success at last for Peter Hubbard who finally made it to the top of the hill in his self-engineered V8 two stroke "special" The edition also includes the usual columns from regular contributors including Andrew Dinner, Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker who offer their usual forthright views and opinions on the world of speed events and motor sport in general.

Speedscene 206 November/December 2019 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 206 November/December 2019 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 205 September/October 2019
Speedscene 205's cover features this year's British Hillclimb champion Wallace Menzies attacking the hill at Gurston Down. As is traditional, this edition kicks off with comprehensive BHC and BSC reports. British Hillclimb rounds covered in this copy come from Barbon, Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val Des Terres, Wiscombe Park, Shelsley Walsh and Gurston Down, while the British Sprint rounds covered are from Aintree, Lydden Hill and Kirkistown. In the Sprint Leaders Championship, the story is told of rounds at Aintree and Lydden Hill, whilse the HSA Championship reports come from Aintree, Shelsley Walsh, Barbon Manor, Lydden Hill , Blyton Park, Loton, Wiscombe, Hethel and Gurston.John Brown provides a detailed account of this year's Pre-94 Formula Ford Challenge, whilst Peter Herbert continues his series looking at the hills of the British Hillclimb Championship, this edition turning his attention to Prescott.
Our "motor sport personality" answering the questions this edition is six times British Hillclimb Champion Scott Moran who charts his competition history from his first event at Llys-y-Fran onwards. The edition also includes the usual columns from regular contributors including Andrew Dinner, Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker offering their usual forthright views and opinions on the world of speed events and motor sport in general.

Speedscene 205 September/October 2019 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 205 September/October 2019 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 204 July/August 2019
Issue 204 opens with a nose-on shot of the somewhat sinister-looking DJ Firestorm of Alex Summers as it fires out of the Mays’ Cross chicane at Craigantlet.As usual, the issue starts off with comprehensive BHC and BSC reports which this edition come from Craigantlet, Harewood, Gurston Down, Shelsley Walsh and Doune, followed by reports from double-header events at Blyton Park and Pembrey. In the Sprint Leaders Championships, the story is told of rounds at Blyton and Pembrey while HSA Championship reports come from Werrington, Llandow, Pembrey, Curborough and Prescott.
A double page spread of the Porsche at Prescott celebration proceeds the first instalment of a new series in which Peter Herbert looks in turn at what makes each of the eleven hills on the BHC so special. His first subject is Shelsley Walsh, and the evocative article perfectly captures the unique atmosphere at the world’s oldest motor sport venue still active over an original course.
The 'motor sport personality' featured this edition is Bill Pardoe who after a long and varied career in club motorsport is currently Championship Coordinator for the successful Midland Hillclimb Championship.
Speedscene visits the Honda Collection in the grounds of the Twin Ring Motegi circuit north of Tokyo, to learn about the company’s motor sport history on both two and four wheels, while the “Have Your Say” pages provide a range of readers’ views on competitors’ views of the day.
Issue 204 is completed with all the usual columns from Clive Wooster, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker offering their usual forthright views and opinions on the world of speed events and motor sport in general.

Speedscene 204 July/August 2019 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 204 July/August 2019 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 203 May/June 2019
Issue 203 begins with a dramatic Neil Lambert cover photo of Pete Goulding's Mygale M13 cresting a rise at Anglesey, Trac Mon in April.As usual, the issue gets under way with BHC reports from Loton Park and Prescott, BSC reports from Castle Combe and Anglesey, Sprint Leaders reports from Anglesey and Goodwood and finally, HSA Championship reports from Castle Combe, Anglesey, Harewood and Goodwood.
The subject of the regular 'motor sport personality' feature is two time British Sprint Champion, Heather Calder while Peter Herbert looks back on a memorable (competing) trip he made to the Slovakian round of the European Hillclimb Championship in 2000.
Speedscene visits two new companies for this issue. Another 'niche' competition car manufacturer - this time AB Performance who produce the popular Aries and Arion sports cars and 213 Performance - specialists in dashboard intstruments including the familiar STACK products.
John Brown recalls the night in May 1988 when a group of HSA members took part in a selection process to pick a team to join other Motor Clubs in the Ford Motorsport Quiz to be held later that year.
Issue 203 is completed with all the ususal columns from Clive Wooster, Peter Hubbard (the V8 two stroke project), Chris Bennett, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker.

Speedscene 203 May/June 2019 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 203 May/June 2019 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 202 March/April 2019
The cover of Speedscene 202 features the winner of the 2018 HSA photo competition - Steve Miles' atmospheric paddock shot of the Snetterton paddock. The inside cover has a photo of another venue not being visited in 2019 (or ever again) - Rockingham.
Being the 'off season' there are no events to report so the issue is full of other interesting articles beginning with, founding HSA Chairman, Russ Ward's comparison of his and Robert Kenrick's exploits, winning the Midland and Hillclimb Leaders championships in the same year. In a similar vein Peter Herbert looks back at some hillclimbing experiences from 1991.
Dave Oldridge writes a summary of Dave Richard's talk, given at last year's HSA Awards lunch which gives an insight into the future direction for Motorsports UK. The 'Introducing.....' subject in this issue is 2018 British Hillclimb runner-up Will Hall and then Carole Nicholls introduces herself and her decision to take up racing in her Father's Nike Formula Ford.
An MSc project at Oxford Brookes university provides the basis of an article looking into the future and potential for Electric Vehicles in hillclimbing. Chris Bennett and Mike Stokes have a photo feature of the 2019 Race Retro event and Keith Murray descibes the rather different world of hillclimbing in Germany with his Audis. Peter Hubbard reports on the latest news of his V8 2 stroke project which is nearing completion.
The issue is completed with all the usual contributions from Clive Wooster (Wooster Sauce), Paul Parker (Technical and otherwise), Jerry Sturman (Senior moments), Andrew Dinner (Pilbeam Ponderings), Graham Blackwell (Mygale story) Chris Bennett (Around and About), book reviews and the market place.

Speedscene 202 March/April 2019 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 202 March/April 2019 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 201 Nov/Dec 2018
The Christmas issue of Speedscene features a Steve Wilkninson cover photo of Ian Medcalf's unique 1.4 Fiat 500 at a wet Curborough.
There are reports of the concluding rounds of the exciting British Hillclimb Championahip from Prescott, Doune and Loton Park. The British Sprint Championship finishes with reports from Blyton Park and Anglesey while the HSA Speed Championship reports include MIRA, Shelsley and a pair of Curboroughs.
Between the Beams covers the new hillclimb event at Watergate Bay (also with a background report by Andrew DInner later in the issue), a report of the BOC/ALDON Classic championship and a results round up of all the major championships. Peter Herbert reminisces over his British Hillclimb Championship points scoring exploits at Craigantlet in 2010 with his Westfield. 7OAKS MC preview the return of sprinting to Cryatal Palace in 2019 with a report of the event's history. Chris Bennett describes how Pirelli have entered the market with racing tyres for hillclimbing and sprinting and Les Buck previews moves to make the 600cc racing car class better supported in 2019.
There is a visit to Race Van Conversions who are producing an affordable motor home/ support vehicle and an update on Peter Hubbard's V8 two stroke project.
The issue is rounded off with all of the usual features including a lively letters page, interesting cars for sale, Jerry Sturman's senior moments column, Andrew Dinner's Pilbeam Ponderings and all the rest.

Speedscene 201 Nov/Dec 2018 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 201 Nov/Dec 2018 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 200 Sept/Oct 2018
Speedscene 200 marks a significant milestone for the only UK publication dedicated to the Speed events of hillclimbing and sprinting and, in addition to all the usual features, the issue also looks back over the years.
The issue commences with a fine, Andrew Le Poidevin, shot of Wallace Menzies' Gould GR50 at Le Val des Terres. The British Hillclimb theme continues with reports from Doune, Barbon, Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe and Shelsley. British Sprint rounds Lydden, Knockhill, Kirkistown and Rockingham are covered along with SBD HSA Championship rounds from Aintree, Barbon, Lydden, Blyton, Wiscombe, Loton and Hethel. Between the Beams looks at an event at Scammonden Dam where James Baxter broke Roy Lane's outright record set in 1975 (!) and Prescott's 80th Anniversary meeting.
Jerry Sturman looks back over 200 issues of Speedscene including the (just) five editors in all that time. Les Buck travels to Pennsylvania and the Giant's Despair hillclimb and carries out an interesting Q&A with the organisers. Peter Hubbard's unique V8 two stroke project gets an update (at the time of writing this the initial fire up has just been achieved), we look back on the life and times of Mike Fitzsimons who recently passed away and there is a preview of the return of Motorsport at the Palace in 2019.
The issue concludes with all the usual columns from Paul Parker, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett and Jerry Sturman. Wooster Sauce takes a short break but will return for Speedscene 201.

Speedscene 200 Sept/Oct 2018 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 200 Sept/Oct 2018 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 199 July/August 2018
The cover of Speedscene 199 features a fine Steve Lister photo of Dave Uren's Gould GR55 at Gurston Down. Inside Jerry Sturman reports on 2018's exciting battle for top honours in the British Hillclimb Championship with rounds at Prescott, Craigantlet, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley and Loton. The Speedscene team were at Pembrey and Snetterton for the British Sprint Championship and at Goodwood, Werington, Pembrey, Shelsley, Prescott and Snetterton for the HSA Speed Championship.
Andrew Dinner continues to share his expeirences with a Pilbeam in the South West, Michael Culver relates the history of the Curborough Sprint course and John Brown reviews the published literature on the subject of Hillclimbing.
The debate about event organisation continues with letters from a couple of competitors while the issue concludes with the regular pieces from Jerry Sturman, Clive Wooster, Chris Bennett and Paul Parker along with book reviews, cars for sale, a new photography competition and a stunning dusk photo over the Snetterton paddock by Steve Miles.

Speedscene 199 July/August 2018 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 199 July/August 2018 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 198 May/June 2018
Issue 198 features a dramatic, Steve Kilvington, shot of Graham Blackwell's Mygale heading through Folly, Castle Combe - one of the fastest corners on any UK track.
Being the start of the season there is only one British round to report - the opening BSC event at Combe. However, there are four SBD HSA Speed Championship rounds covered - those at Combe, Rockingham, Aglesey and Loton and Between the Beams visits Gurston.
This is followed by an article looking at the FIA's Performance Factor initiative as a new way of defining classes and an update on Peter Hubbard's challenging V8 2 stroke project.
There is an interesting look back on 21 years of the Westfield speed series and John Brown delves into the archive of books about hillclimbing. The subject of this issue's 'Introducing......' featuer is Robin Webb, the Comp Sec at Shelsley Walsh, who reveals a rich and varied motor sports career.
The issue is completed by the regular columns from Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman, Andrew Dinner, Chris Bennett, Paul Parker and a new feature - what was said in Speedscene this time thirty years ago.

Speedscene 198 May/June 2018 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 198 May/June 2018 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 197 Feb/Mar 2018
Speedscene 197 has a slightly different look and feel as it is the first issue from new Editor, Michael Calvert. The full page cover has a fine shot of Paul Slade's E Type at Shelsley's Top Ess taken by Rob McDonald.
Being the first issue of the year there are no events to report so it begins with a long article from our resident scrutineer on the subject of hybrid/electric cars in competition but with some interesting observations on their use on the public roads. This is followed by a couple of articles from Striker competitor, Mike Smith. The first looks at the opportunities for improving the 'competitor experience' at speed events while the second is a report of his (successful) return to the Exeter Trial in his MR2.
Former editor, Chris Bennett, starts a new column, Around & About, looking at all things motoring but with an eye on speed events. Stephen Morrison looks forward to another Championship season with the Nottingham Sports Car Club and we continue our look at the 'competitor experience' with an interview with the Chair of the MSA Hillclimb and Sprint Sub committee, Vernon Williamson and a response from the outgoing chair of the HSA, Les Buck.
Neil McDonald describe a season competing in a diesel car - a developed BMW 330d and this is followed by a 'Visit to...... Mathwall Ltd' specialists in American V8s amongst other things. Next up is a nice photo spread of the interesting machines spotted at the 2018 Race Retro and Graham Blackwell's on going story of developing his Formula Ford Mygale into a front running Sprint car.
Dampers are a subject that are important to vehicle performance but not always that well understood. Speedscene visits Meteor Motorsport to understand more. The issue finishes off with a short article on Rod Ends from our scrutineer, the answers to the Christmas Quiz, Andrew Dinner's Pilbeam tales, an update on Peter Hubbard's V8 2 Stroke project (looking good), book reviews, the Paddock Prowler, Wooster Sauce, a photo comptetiton, Paul Parker's technical column (also looking at electric vehicles), Jerry Sturman's Senior Moments and finally, a new feature, an excerpt from Speedscene 30 years ago.

Speedscene 197 Feb/Mar 2018 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 197 Feb/Mar 2018 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 196 Nov/Dec 2017
The Christmas 2017 issue, Speedscene 196, begins with a fine cover photo of British Hillclimb Champion, Trevor Willis' OMS 28 in action at Le Val des Terres by Andrew Le Poidevin.
Inside both Editor, Chris Bennett, and HSA Chairman, Les Buck say their farewells after five years in their respective positions with extended editorials reviewing the state of Speed events in the UK.
There are end of season event reports of the BHC at Prescott, Doune and Loton, the BSC at Anglesey and the HSA Championship at MIRA, Shelsley and Curborough. The 'Between the beams' section features a Steve Wilkinson photo spread from Bo'Ness, a review of the BOC/ALDON Classic championship and a roundup of all the major championship final positions.
Speedscene were invited down to Newquay airport to witness the Bloodhound SSC's first run on track and an interesting and technical article on the event was the result. The subject of the 'Introducing.....' feature is Tim Densham, a regular sprinter and hillclimber with an extensive motor sport pedigree as readers will discover.
Graham Blackwell continues his absorbing story of transforming his relatively humble Mygale Formula Ford into a 300+ bhp front running Speed event vehicle. Jon Maycock provides a novice's eye view from the cockpit of his MX-5 after the conclusion of his first year in Speed events while Charlie Martin recounts what is likely to be her final year on the hills in the mighty Norma M20 as she plans a circuit racing future.
Peter Hubbard continues undaunted with his project to squeeze a V8 two stroke into a sports racer for Speed events while the Chistmas Quiz makes its annual appearance.
The issue is rounded off with the usual items from Clive Wooster, Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman and the Paddock Prowler.

Speedscene 196 Nov/Dec 2017 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 196 Nov/Dec 2017 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 195 Aug/Sept 2017
Speedscene 195 begins with a timely, John Stewart, photo of 2017 British Sprint Champion, Heather Calder in her Gould GR55 at Knockhill on the cover. Co-incidentally the cover also features Trevor Willis, the newly crowned 2017 British Hillclimb Champion who is the subject of the issue's 'Introducing........' article.
Inside the reports begin with BHC events at Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe, Shelsley and Gurston followed by BSC reports from Blyton, Kirkistown and Knockhill. The SBD HSA Speed Championship is covered with reports from Blyton, Wiscombe, Loton, Hethel and Gurston.
'Between the Beams' features the Formula Ford Challenge from Gurston, Motorsports at the Palace, Chateau Impney 2017, the Goodwood FoS and a round up of the NSCC Championship.
The issue has a strong technical theme with an update on Peter Hubbard's V8 2 stroke project, a report of the new OMS 3000M, a look behind the scenes at EVO Corse wheels and the low down on SBD's new and very powerful 1.6l Ford EcoBoost engine.
With introducing new and younger talent into the sport being much talked about there is a timely piece on 16 year old, Sam Wilson's debut in an OMS.
The issue concludes with all the regular items including Andrew Dinner's Pilbeam Ponderings, the Paddock Prowler, Wooster Sauce, Paul Parker's Technical and Otherwise, the Market Place and Jerry Sturman's Senior Moments.

Speedscene 195 Aug/Sept 2017 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 195 Aug/Sept 2017 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 194 June/July 2017
The cover of Issue 194 features an increasingly rarely seen Westfield XTR of Brian Beverley taken at Doune by John Crae. This example is rather smart and quick too, beating an ADR and a couple of Radicals.
The 2017 season is well under way so there are plenty of reports from the BHC (Craigantlet, Harewood, Gurston, Loton and Dounne), the BSC (Snetterton and Pembrey) and the SBD HSA (Aintree, Werrington, Llandow, Snetterton, Llys y Fran, Pembrey, Curborough, Shelsley and Prescott).
Between the Beams takes in Wayne' Boyd's guest appearance at Cultr and the first two rounds of the Formula Ford Challenge at Snetterton. Gurston's 50th Anniversary is celebrated with a two page colour spread by Steve Lister.
An unusual 'A Visit to.....' takes Speedscene to meet with Jamie Champkin - the International Motor Sports lawyer while Jeff Allan investigates the very topical issue of electric vehicles.
The Editor visits the famous Trento Bondone hillclimb in Italy and is surprised by the different approach to track safety compared with the UK (not least the bears!). The subject of the 'Introducing.........' feature is well known, competitor, journalist and commentator Steve Wilkinson and Peter Hubbard provides another update on his V8 two stroke project.
Charlie Martin describes how different it is running with a top professional team (Schatz Competition) in Europe compared with doing it all herself.
The issue is rounded off with all the usual columns including Pilbeam Ponderings, Wooster Sauce, Techical & Otherwise and Senior Moments.

Speedscene 194 June/July 2017 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 194 June/July 2017 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 193 April/May 2017
Issue 193 starts with one of the more dramatic cover pictures we have seen for a while. The evening sun and a haze of cement dust picks out Steve Miles' Van Diemen R96 on its way to a Top 12 run off win at Castle Combe - captured by Steve Kilvington.
Inside there are reports from the first round of the 2017 BHC from Prescott and the first two rounds of the BSC from Combe and Croft.
The SBD HSA Speeds Championship got off to an early start with rounds at Combe. Rockingham, Harewood, Goodwood, Loton, Croft and Gurston. Between the Beams takes in events from Croft NI, Gurston and Doune along with an update from the NSCC Championship.
1100cc Racing Cars feature next with the final part of the Force TA story and a look at the unique 750 Turbo OMS of Wil Ker and Ben Hamer.
Steve Miles reports back positively on the Blyton tuition day run by the Mugglestone family and Peter Herbert provides the latest details of his V8 two stroke project.
The subject of the 'Introducing........' feature is well known aerodynamicist, author and competitor Simon McBeath. The Issue is rounded off with regular features from Andrew Dinner, Clive Wooster, Paul Parker and Jerry Sturman.

Speedscene 193 April/May 2017 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 193 April/May 2017 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
speedscene 192 Feb/March 2017
Traditionally the most different issue of the year (with no events to report), Speedscene 192 begins with a fine David Garnett cover shot of Steven Owen in his OMS 28 in the wet at Prescott in 2016.
With Formula Ford making something of a resurgence on the hills recently (and more expected in 2017) competitor, author and aerodynamicist, Simon McBeath make a very compelling case for the Formula to start the issue off. This quickly leads into something completely different as Peter Hubbard provides an update on his V8 two stroke project with Run Off ambitions.
Sprinter and Hillclimber, Mike Smith, is up next with an intriguing report of the Exeter Trial in a Toyota MR2 purchased cheaply on an auction site. This is followed by Dud Candler's report of the inaugural 2016 season of the VSCC Speed Championship.
Alan Terry looks into the world of adhesives and how they can be applied to our sport while Matt Carter introduces himself by way of his journey from a childhood in Perth, Western Australia to 2016 SBD HSA Speed Champion.
A brief report plus plenty of photos of 2017 Race Retro is followed by part three of Graham Blackwell's story of developing his humble final gen Formula Ford Mygale into a 300bhp British Sprint contender.
It is back to Formula Ford again as we preview plans to celebrate the formula's 50th Anniversary in 2017 and then look into the latest developments in Lithium batteries which are already being used in Formula Ford racing.
The issue is completed with all the regular features from Charlie Martin, Jerry Sturman, Andrew Dinner, Paul Parker and Clive Wooster. Finally 'The Market Place' has become a section for selected Speed event specific cars for sale.

speedscene 192 Feb/March 2017 £8.20 UK including P&P
speedscene 192 Feb/March 2017 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 191 Nov/Dec 2016
The cover of the Christmas issue of Speedscene features the Mitsubishi Evo of Donald McGaskil at Le Val des Terres taken by Andrew Le Poidevin earlier in the season.
Inside the concluding reports of the 2016 season commence with the FIA Masters event at Sternberk followed by the BHC at Prescott, Doune and Loton. The final BSC rounds at Blyton and Anglesey and HSA rounds at Aintree, MIRA, Shelsley and the season finale at Curborough are reported on.
Between the Beams includes reports from Gurston and Harewood along with a season review of the NSCC Championship. John Brown again gives readers a spectator's (and more recently a paddock commentator's) eye view of the hillclimbing season. The section is concluded with Steve Wilkinson's photo report of the Bo'ness Revival meeting and a roundup of all the major championship final positions.
Speedscene's resident scrutineer provides an update on the latest single seater ROPS rulings.
This being the Christmas issue there is the traditional unusual 'Visit to.....' feature which, this year, takes in the Don Garlits museum of Drag Racing in Florida together with the customary Christmas Quiz. The 'Introducing......' series continues with the Marsh brothers, Simon and Peter which includes a description of Ski Bobbing.......
Graham Blackwell describe how his first season with a single seater Mygale finished - well as it happens. The story of the development of the new Force TA continues as the tub has been produced and the rest of the design is (almost) complete.
Formula Ford competitor, Ed McDonough, will surprise many readers with his account of the transition from endurance racer to speed eventer and his descriptions of many of the notable and downright famous cars he has tested in his roles as author and journalist.
Our other intrepid competitors, Charlie Martin, Andrew Dinner and Clive Wooster all provide their own unique insights from the cockpit of their respective cars.
The issue is rounded off with the familiar columns from Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman, Damon Milnes (who argues the investment case for hillclimb cars) and the Paddock Prowler.

Speedscene 191 Nov/Dec 2016 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 191 Nov/Dec 2016 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 190 Aug/Sept 2016
The Robbs (Father & Son) made a re-appearance with their Pilbeam MP88 at Knockhill this year with Stewart jnr taking a win at Round 10. Knockhill's chicane always provides great action shots and John Stewart's cover photo is no exception.
Issue 190 contains British Hillclimb Championship reports from Barbon, Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe, Shelsley and Gurston while the British Sprint Championship visits Knockhill and Kirkistown.
The SBD HSA Speed Championship events from Shelsley, Blyton, Llandow, Llys y Fran, Wiscombe, Loton, Hethel and Gurston all receive a mention and, in most cases, photos.
Three notable summer events all get a photo spread feature - Chateau Impney, Cooper's 70th celebration at Prescott and Classic Nostalgia at Shelsley. Between the Beams section also features the Midland round at Gurston, including the newly inaugurated Formula Ford Fest, and a round up of the Nottingham SCC Championship.
The subject of the 'Introducing..............' feature is Peter Hubbard who recounts many of the interesting (and self imposed) challenges he has (and continues to) take on. Charlie Martin continues the story of her exploits in Europe including a major step up to the front running Norma M20 at St Ursanne.
Pilbeam man, Andrew Dinner, returns to his beloved South West for his early season speed eventing while Daom Milnes considers the benefits of tin tops in Britain's often inclement weather.
The issue concludes with the regular columns from Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman and Paul Parker along with plenty of book reviews.

Speedscene 190 Aug/Sept 2016 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 190 Aug/Sept 2016 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 189 June/July 2016
With Scott Moran back at the top of the British Hillclimb Championship leaderboard Speedscene 189 features the former Champion aboard his Gould GR61X at Craigantlet.
With the season fully underway this issue contains BHC reports from Craigantlet, Harewood, Shelsley, Loton and Doune, BSC rounds from Snetterton and Anglesey along with SBD HSA events at Werrington, Snetterton, Pembrey, Barbon, Curborough, Anglesey and Prescott.
Between the beams includes reports from the Midland rounds at Loton and Prescott together with Crystal Palace, Cultra and a round up from the NSCC Championship.
The subject for this issue's 'Introducing...........' feature is regular BHC competitor, Paul Haimes while Graham Blackwell reports on both his move to single seaters and his slightly unusual choice of car - the Mygale M13. Chris Bennett begins a series of articles documenting the development of a new hillclimb car - the Force TA with a look at how the tub was conceived and built by S.P.A. Design.
There is a moving account of the life and times of the late Simon McKinley while Charlie Martin, Andrew Dinner and Clive Wooster all share their varied and interesting experiences so far this season.
The proposals for a new 'Standard Class' get covered in a number of articles as well as a dedicated review of how it might work out in practice.
The issue concludes with the usual pieces from the Paddock Prowler, Paul Parker and, finally, Jerry Sturman who suggests that Hillclimbing provides one of the finest spectacles in Motorsport.

Speedscene 189 June/July 2016 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 189 June/July 2016 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 188 Apr/May 2016
The front cover of Speedscene 188 features Richard Arrowsmith's 1100cc Racing Car Class Force PC in the wet at Croft, nicely captured by Tony Todd.
Reports from the early season Championship rounds include: the British Hillclimb Championship at Prescott, the British Sprint Championship at Castle Combe and Croft and the SBD HSA Championship at Combe, Rockingham, Croft, Harewood, Gurston Down, Loton Park and Goodwood.
Other event reports from Croft NI, Doune, Gurston, and Aintree are also featured along with a report on Race Retro 2016.
Clive Wooster visits the Higgins Forest Experience Rally School and predictably has a great time, we introduce well known hillclimber, Simon Andrews, Keith Waters looks back on the short lived but interesting Champion spark plug club, Peter Herbert reminisces over the Baitings dam hillclimb and Steve Wilkinson takes his camera along to Southport's Ainsdale Sands for an LSR anniversary.
Racers, Charlie Martin, Andrew Dinner and Clive Wooster all look forward to their 2016 seasons while Damon Milnes considers the option of a Formula Ford as a possible classic investment.
For the first time Speedscene includes a page of HSA members benefits from a selection of high profile suppliers to the sport.
The issue is rounded off with all the regular columns including book reviews, the Paddock Prowler, Paul Parker's technical & otherwise column and Jerry Sturman arguing that Hillclimbing provides one of the finest spectacles in motor sport.

Speedscene 188 Apr/May 2016 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 188 Apr/May 2016 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 187 Feb/March 2016
The cover of the winter issue of Speedscene features an action shot of a rare Renault 5 Turbo 2 of Anthony Lucas at Prescott in 2015 and kindly provided by David Garnett.
Inside are most of the usual features including a roundup of the 2015 Service Hydraulics Speed Championship, a 'Visit to.....' Mistral engineering - one of the leading tuners of bike engines, 'Introducing.......' the well known Simon Durling, Martin Pickles story of Sprinting at Kirkistown in 2015 and Charlie Martin's preparations for a second season Hillclimbing in France.
Our resident scrutineer looks at regulation changes fore 2016 and FHRs in particular, Peter Herbert reflects on the hillclimb venue of Castle Howard, Paul Parker considers current issues facing the sport, Andrew Dinner describes how to fit modern paddle shifts to his 'not quite current' Pilbeam, Clive Wooster looks back on tow cars he has used, Damon Milnes asks if the money we spend restoring our cars is really worth it and Jerry Sturman analyses the history of 4WD racers on the hills.
The issue is completed with the results of the Christmas Quiz, plenty of book reviews and, sadly, no few obituaries.

Speedscene 187 Feb/March 2016 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 187 Feb/March 2016 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 186 Nov/Dec 2015
The front cover of Speedscene 186 shows the smart Lotus Cortina of Ian Scott with the famous Aintree grandstands as background in a nice shot from new contributor Peter Taylor. The winners of the three main British speed championships are also depicted.
Inside we wrap up the 2015 season with BHC reports from Prescott, Doune and Loton, BSC reports from Blyton Park and Anglesey and all the SBD HSA rounds including the season finale at Curborough. Between the Beams sees its usual eclectic mix of reports including a couple of late season Goodwoods by Dud Candler.
Being the final issue of the year there is a roundup of all the main championship results and the Christmas Quiz.
We introduce long standing HDLCC member, official and competitor, Dave Parr and visit MCR Race Cars in deepest South Wales. Steve Wilkinson contributes a double page photo feature of this year's Bo'ness revival and a couple of HSA regulars Chris Howard-Harris and Lynn Gilbert look at the pros and cons of shared driving.
John Brown takes an interesting and thought provoking look at this year's British Hillclimb Championship from the other side or the Armco and Charlie Martin looks back on her first year hillclimbing a Formula Renault in Europe.
Damon Milnes discusses the appeal of big noisy motors in the context of the classic car market and the issue is completed with the usual columns from Paul Parker, Andrew Dinner, Jerry Sturman and Clive Wooster.

Speedscene 186 Nov/Dec 2015 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 186 Nov/Dec 2015 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 185 Sept/Oct 2015
Issue 185 features action from the Channel Islands on its coverand once again it is an excellent photo by Anthony Le Poidevin. This time it is Trevor Willis' OMS 28 that captures the intensity of hillclimbing at Le Val des Terres.
Speedscene 185 contains reports from the BHC at Barbon, Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe, Shelsley and Gurston! BSC events at Knockhill and Kirkistown or covered along with all the recent rounds from the SBH HSA Speed Championship. Between the beams includes plenty of reports from as far afield as Clay Pigeon and Harewood.
We visit the UK's only full motion simulation, Lets Race and we finish the story of the return to competition of Keith Waters' Rover Metro. Peter Herbert recalls the hillclimb venue of Catterick Camp, Yorkshire and Alan Mugglestone reveals all (or nearly all) in this issue's 'Intorducing.......' feature.
Charlie Martin continues her hillclimbing adventure into France which includes a detour to the iconic Swiss hill of St Ursanne Les Rangiers with a successful outcome. Andrew Dinner (Pilbeam) and Clive Wooster (Radical) share some of their experiences of the 2015 season so far and the issue concludes with the regular pieces from Paul Parker and Jerry Sturman.

Speedscene 185 Sept/Oct 2015 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 185 Sept/Oct 2015 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 184 July/Aug 2015
Having had success in the HSA Speed Championship, Colin Satchell is continuing his form in the 2015 Leaders Hillclimb Championship which he was leading at the time of press for issue 184 of Speedscene. So it is fitting that this issue features an excellent John Hayward shot of Colin, in typical aggressive style at Gurston Down, on the cover.
184 is a large issue with British Hillclimb Championship reports from Craigantlet, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley, Loton and Doune. British Sprint Championship reports include Lydden, Snetterton, Pembrey and Anglesey. The SBD HSA speed championship reports are too numerous to mention and there are plenty of 'between the beams' reports from other events (incvluding those from as far afield as Manor Farm, Cultra and Colmondeley).
The 'Introducing..............' series features the popular hillclimber, Steve Day, who reveals an interest in ballroom dancing.........................
We take a look at a new gearbox from Hewland - the JL and tell part one of a story to bring a hillclimbing Austin Metro back to life. Charlie Martin continues her story of taking on hillclimbs in France in a Formula Renault and an eventful time it's been. We also hear from Andrew Dinner who tells us why Prescott is his 'Glastonbury', Clive Wooster who gives Danny Sullivan some circuit tuition (!) and the regular columns from Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman, our resident classic car specialist, Damon Milnes and, of course, the Paddock Prowler.

Speedscene 184 July/Aug 2015 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 184 July/Aug 2015 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 183 May/June 2015
The Speedscene 183 cover features a stunning photo of Gary Thomas' Force PC at Rockingham for the first meeting of the year taken by Scott Boulton of Jack Flash Phorography.
Inside there is a report of the first British Hillclimb meeting of the year at Prescott followed by reports from the early British Sprint rounds at Castle Combe and Croft. Early rounds of the SBD HSA speed championship from Combe, Rockingham, Three Sisters, Gurston Down and Loton Park are also featured.
'Between the Beams' includes an eclectic mix of events including Dave Parr's report from the Rob Roy Challenge in Australia, Croft NI, Goodwood, Gurston and an early season update from the NSCC Championship.
There is news regarding the return to business of ECU manufacturer DTA Fast and a visit to Gould Engineering. Darren Clark, of GDM Heat Transfer, looks into the subject of keeping your motor's vital fluids at the right temperatures while Peter Herbert looks back at the Shap Wells hillclimb.
MOLE Racing's, Steve Miles, is the subject of this issue's 'Introducing......' feature and Mike Broome finishes his series of articles describing the rebuild/restoration of his Alexis MK17. Single seat competitors Charlie Martin and Andrew Dinner describe their preparations for the 2015 season and Tony Cotton tells us all about Damper Dynanometers.
The issue concludes with regular pieces from Clive Wooster, Jerry Sturman, Paul Parker, the Paddock Prowler and finally Damon Milnes of Cheshire Classic Cars looks at what makes a classic vehicle.

Speedscene 183 May/June 2015 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 183 May/June 2015 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 182 Feb/March 2015
Issue 182 features a fine shot of 2014 Midland Hillclimb Champion, Mike Turpin by Rich Danby on the cover.
With no events to report over the winter period the issue is made up of a wide variety of feature articles beginning with an amusing account of former Midland Hillclimb Champion, Rob Stevens' up and down year in his familiar Force SR4. Peter Herbert looks back on his 50 year association with Croft Circuit as spectator and competitor.
Dave Oldridge describes the lengthy rebuild of OMS chassis number three and our visit to Pilbeam Racing Designs concludes with part two of the story which looks at the suitability of circuit racing technology to speed event vehicles.
Jonathan Toulmin's memories were triggered when a picture of the Grafton Buick special appeared in the previous issue as it was the first racing car he owned! He recounts his experiences from a different era. 17 year old Robert Dwane had a standout year in Ireland with the Falcon Min and tells us more about his season.
As a novelty 'drive-it' Chris Bennett visits a fully functioning and popular hillclimb venue in Sri Lanka while we look forward to Charlie Martin's planned move into French single seater hillclimbing in France.
The issue is completed with all the usual columns including our scrutineer, Pilbeam Ponderings, Paul Parker's technical & otherwise, book reviews, Wooster Sauce, dodgy dealings in the used competition car market and Jerry Sturman's reflections from yesteryear.

Speedscene 182 Feb/March 2015 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 182 Feb/March 2015 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 181 Nov/Dec 2014
Speedscene 181 has a very strong Eschdorf flavour, not surprisingly, as this was the big event of the year (in Speed terms anyway). The FIA’s very welcome initiative to bring the European hillclimbing scene together at Eschdorf for the FIA Masters competition is well covered in this issue from Eddie Walder’s excellent report, Keith Murray’s reflections of a competitor, Rich Danby’s photo spread and Paul Parker’s thoughts.And not least Rich Danby's excellent cover photo of winner Nicolas Schatz
Wrapping up the UK season are BHC reports from Prescott, Doune and Loton, the final BSC report from Anglesey and SBD/HSA reports from Loton, Aintree, Thoresby, Shelsley and Curborough. Between the beams includes the final positions for all the major championships, a roundup of the NSCC championship and reports from Wiscombe, Gurston, the new venue of Treloy, Eelmor and Goodwood.
There is the traditional Christmas Quiz followed by Andrew Meek's reflections on the 2014 Isle of Man Classic which includes 3 events on parts of the TT course in three days. We visit Pilbeam engineering to discover more about this iconic manufacturer and HSA & MAC committee member Jonathan Toulmin is under the spotlight in the "Introducing......." series.
Our scrutineer returns to examine some new regulations and clarifications while Mike Broome continues his story of restoring his Alexis MK17. Andrew Dinner continues to extol the virtues of life with a Pilbeam and Clive Wooster does a similar job with his Radical. Damon Milnes considers the place of 'continuation' models on the classic car scene and the issue is completed with the usual book & product reviews, a 'blast from the past' and Jerry Sturman's Senior Moments takes the opportunity to look back at the Moran's hillclimbing successes.

Speedscene 181 Nov/Dec 2014 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 181 Nov/Dec 2014 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 180 September/October 2014
The cover of Issue 180 features John Graham's Gould GR55B lifting a wheel through the Knockhill chicane during the July round of the British Sprint Championship. Thanks to John Stewart of Flat Out Motorsport photography.
Inside there are British Hillclimb Championship reports from Harewood, the Channel Islands, Wiscombe, Craigantlet, Shelsley and Gurston, British Sprint Championship reports from Knockhill and Kirkistown and HSA Speed Championship reports from 8 venues.
The 'Between the beams' section includes events from Forrestburn, Castle and a round up from the NSCC Championship.
Following the HSA's visit to Hethel in August there is a review of this interesting Sprint venue and South West Pilbeam driver, Andrew Dinner, begins a new series of articles describing his experiences on the hills. Dialynx's Keith Murray reveals details of his first forays across the channel after taking his Audi to the Eschdorf and Osnabruck hillclimbs earlier in the year.
Speedscene re-visits RAW Engineering, home of the Striker, who have recently begun producing the Phoenix now fitted with a Duratec engine. The HSA's secretary and MSA Sprint & Hillclimb sub committee member tells us about himself and his interests in the 'Introducing.......' series and the issue continues with the regular features from Jerry Sturman, Clive Wooster, Paul Parker and the Paddock Prowler. Finally there are the usual book reviews, a 'Blast from the Past' and something from the 'Market Place'.

Speedscene 180 September/October 2014 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 180 September/October 2014 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 179 July/August 2014
Speedscene 179 is kicked off with a dramatic Allan Rhodes photo of Clive Austin's Empire Carbon (aka the wraith) at Prescott in June. Black is probably the perfect colour for this car.
Inside, with the season in full swing there are reports from the British Hillclimb Championship rounds at Barbon, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley, Loton and Doune. British Sprint Championship rounds at Lydden Hill, Snetterton, Pembrey and Anglesey are covered along with SBD HSA Championship events at Wiscombe, Werrington, Shelsley, Snetterton, MIRA, Pembrey, Anglesey and Prescott.
Between the beams visits Le Val des Terres, Harewood, Wiscombe, Loton, Gurston as well as the hillclimb academy at Tregrehan and the Cultra 'garden party'. There is also a mid season round up of the Service Hydraulics speed championship.
There are plenty of feature articles including technical insights into roll cages and ethanol in fuel. Speedscene visits the Bloodhound centre to see the launch of the hi tech cockpit from where Andy Green hopes to exceed 1,000mph and also Jedi racing cars who, after 30 years, are still scoring FTDs with what is basically the same design.
The 'Introducing......' series features HSA competitor and former British Hillclimb and Sprint competitor Michael Morgan and his interesting car history.
In the regular features Damon Milnes considers what makes for a high value classic car, Paul Parker looks at different speed event formats, Clive Wooster is having an eventful time as usual, the Prowler has his (or is it their?) familiar mixed bag of stories and Jerry Sturman concludes the issue with a look back at some of the legends of our sport.

Speedscene 179 July/August 2014 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 179 July/August 2014 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 178 May/June 2014
Speedscene 178 features Rockingham quite strongly starting with Scott Boulton's photo of Graham Porrett's Lola Judd on the cover.
Inside the opening rounds of the British Hillclimb Championship are reported from Prescott with rounds of the British Sprint Championship from Castle Combe and Croft. SBH HSA Championship events from Rockingham, Castle Combe, Loton Park and Gurston Down are covered along with an early season round up from the NSCC Championship.
Between the Beams covers another early season event from Gurston.
Steve Miles gives us a drivers eye view of the new Rockingham sprint track followed by a short piece on Hillclimbing in France for UK & Eire competitors. There are a couple of product reviews and plenty of book and DVD reviews.
The series of articles on UK specialist race car manufacturers continues with the hi tech design of Empire Racing Cars , we take a look at Ethanol in petrol while Mike Broome shares part one of his story rebuilding an Alexis MK17. In a similar vein Martin Parkes looks back on 20 years with a Westfield and forward to competing with a classic Imp.
The "Introducing............" spotlight falls on Editor, Chris Bennett and the issues is rounded off with the regular pieces from Clive Wooster, Paul Parker, Damon Milnes, Jerry Sturman and the Paddock Prowler.

Speedscene 178 May/June 2014 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 178 May/June 2014 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 177 March/April 2014
The cover of 177 shows an unusual visitor to the hills as John Reaks demonstrates his Benetton B190 at the La Vie en Blue at Prescott back in June 2013 - photo by David Garnett.
With no events taking place during the reporting period this winter issue includes its customary varied content. It begins with a look ahead to Cultra, Norther Ireland's own 'Festival of Speed', and continues with a look at the motor sporting life of Vi Selby, the Nottingham SPorts Car Club's president.
Mike Broome visits Arch Motors while Les Buck continues our series on specialist single seater marques by meeting with Ian Dayson of FORCE. Jim Spencer takes a look at competition cars of a different sort - radio controlled models - which come with incredible performance.
This issue begins a new series of articles introducing members of the HSA committee along with other competitors and HSA members in 15 or so questions. It starts with HSA Chairman, Les Buck, who started hillclimbing on a motor bike.
Clive Wooster reveals how he spent much of last summer- working with Mithril Racing down at Goodwood, and also found time to visit Motor Racing Medics, who, as well as doing what it says on the tin, also run a race prep business.
Inspired by the number of simulators on show at Autosport Int and Race Retro Chris Bennett takes a look into the world of computer based race car simulation. Peter Herbert looks back on a season spent in his Porshe 911 after many years campaigning a Westfield. The techincal side of things is covered with a revealing article about 3D printing and the issue wraps up with the usual items including book reviews and pieces from Paul Parker, Damon Milnes, our scrutineer and Jerry Sturman.

Speedscene 177 March/April 2014 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 177 March/April 2014 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 176 Oct/Nov 2013
Speedscene 176 features a slightly different cover layout with a fine Matt Bristow shot of Matt Carter's Radical swinging into Druids at the Brands Hatch Sprint along with the 3 2013 Champions Moran, Calder and Mugglestone.
Inside an editorial looks at the European Hillclimbing scene and the Chairman questions the current competition licence arrangements.
Reports of the concluding British Championship rounds include the hillclimbs at Prescott, Doune and Loton and sprints at Brands Hatch and Anglesey. The final SBD HSA rounds at Anglesey, Loton, Aintree, Three Sisters, Thoresby Park, Shelsely and Curborough are covered and the between the beams' roving correspondents report from Wiscombe, Bo'ness, Gurston, Harewood, Eelmor and Goodwood.
There are season reviews of the SBD HSA, Nottingham Sports Car Club and Service Hydraulics speed championships as well as the top 10 placings of nearly all the UK speed championships.
We report on an upcoming episode of Father Brown, shot, in part, at Shelsley Walsh and the Market Place column looks at the problems of buying and selling overseas. A timely look at the issues of preparing your car for winter storage is followed by Paul Parker looking back at the history of the British Sprint Championship.
The Paddock Prowler continues his (their?) trawl of goings on before the startline and also takes a tongue in cheek look at the words and phrases used in car ads.
Our series on specialist car manufacturers continues with OMS and chronicles their rise to prominence in the British speed event scene. The issue is rounded off with Clive Wooster's regular diary, Jerry Sturman's reflections on past events and our annual Christmas Quiz.

Speedscene 176 Oct/Nov 2013 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 176 Oct/Nov 2013 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscne 175 July/August 2013
Speedscene begins its summer round up of events throughout the British Isles with a sunny shot of Darren Warwick's Dallara at Le Val Des Terres by Andrew LePoidevin.British Hillclimb Championship reports include events from Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe, Craigantlet, Shelsley and Gurston plus a feature on Scott Moran's 105 BHC run-off wins.
The British Sprint Championship visited Kirkistown and Knockhill while the extremely busy and popular SBD HSA Speed Championship was at Prescott, Harewood, Blyton Park, Llandow, Llys-y-Fran, Olivers Mount and Gurston Down. Phew!
'Between the Beams' includes event reports from Aintree, Forrestburn, Harewood, Loton Park, Castle, Clay Pigeon, Gurston Down, Wiscombe, Harewood, Loton and Forrestburn (the last three again!).
Being the summer season the Goodwood Festival of Speed and Colmondeley Pageant of Power events are also covered while a new series on specialist Hillclimb & Sprint car manufacturers begins with GWR and focusing on the development of the Raptor.
'A visit to' goes to both Retro Track and Air to discover the similarities between historic cars and aircraft and also the Barnby Engineering to learn a little about split rim wheels.
The issue concludes with all the regular features including book reviews, a blast from the past, the Prowler, market place, Wooster Sauce, Paul Parker's tech & otherwise and Jerry Sturman's Senior Moments.

Speedscne 175 July/August 2013 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscne 175 July/August 2013 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 174 June/July 2013
Issue 174 starts with a stunning photo of Heather Calder's Gould GR55 taken at the Anglesey circuit by Neil Lambert of Lambosport photography. A few weeks after this photo was taken Heather made history by being the first lady driver since the 70s to win a round of a British Speed series.Inside there are reports from the British Hillclimb Championship at Barbon Manor, Harewood, Gurston Down, Shelsley Walsh, Loton Park (where Scott Moran equalled Martin Groves' record of 104 BHC victories) and Doune. Rounds of the Bristish Sprint Championship at Snetterton, Pembrey and Anglesey are included along with reports of HSA rounds at Werrington, Shelsley Walsh, Snetterton, Pembrey and Curborough. 'Between the beams' travels far afield to the Channel Islands, Crystal Palace and many other UK speed venues.
In fact there is a Crystal Palace flavour to this issue as along with the report of the two day Motorsport at the Palace event there is a 'Drive it!' feature for this historic venue and a couple of book reviews of its sporting past.
There is a mid point review of the Service Hydraulics Speed Championship and 'A visit to....' takes us to the Matra Museum in the Loire region of France. The Chevron cars event at Shelsley Walsh in June is commemorated with a photo spread of these iconic cars and is joined by our features from our regular correspondents Damon Milnes, Jerry Sturman, Paul Parker and Clive Wooster.

Speedscene 174 June/July 2013 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 174 June/July 2013 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 173 March/April 2013
Issue 173 features a Steve Kilvington photo of Keith Murray's mighty Audi A4 at a wet Castle Combe on the cover.Inside the opening event of the British Hillclimb Championship at Prescott is covered with a two page photo feature of notable cars appearing at the event. Reports of the opening rounds of the British Sprint Championship at Castle Combe and Lydden Hill follow SBD HSA Speed Championship rounds at Mallory Park, Castle Combe, Lydden Hill, Loton Park, Gurston Down, Goodwood and Wiscombe. Between the beams includes reports from Harewood, Croft and Gurston Down.
Issue 173 includes a couple of new Tech Talk articles. One on exhausts and sound management from BTB Exhausts and another on Batteries from Powervamp. Behind the Scenes meets with Richard Egger of Go Motorsport to hear about initiatives to bring more people into the sport.
A visit to........ travels to deepest Norfolk to find out about Universal Racing Services - the go to people for single seater parts while there are also a couple of product reviews for a change. Also making a re-appearance is the classifieds section with some interesting cars and parts on offer.
Jerry Sturman provides an in depth look at yet another new car from the prolific John Oxborrow - the OX7 Suzuki. Another new column makes an appearance with Damon Milnes giving us an insight into the classic used car market. Book reviews and Blast from the Past are present as usual.
The issue is rounded off with the usual regular columns from Clive Wooster, Paul Parker, the Paddock Prowler and Jerry Sturman's senior moments.

Speedscene 173 March/April 2013 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 173 March/April 2013 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 172 Jan/Feb 2013
The cover of Speedscene Issue 172 features a splendid Neil Lambert photo of June Matty's Formula Junior Lotus 20/22 in the wet at Anglesey.HSA Chairman Les Buck gets into his stride by looking at the reasons why we compete and incoming Editor, Chris Bennett, considers the future for the magazine in an increasingly immediate and electronic world.
With no events to report there are reviews of the 2012 HSA and Midland Speed Championships followed by plenty of interesting book and DVD reviews.
There are three venues featured in this issue. The first is a fantasy Hillclimb at Cherhill Down between Calne & Marlborough with Mike Smith providing the humerous commentary. The second is a 'Drive It!' of one of the newest Sprinting venues, Blyton Park, by British Sprint regulars Jonathan Toulmin and Steve Miles. The final venue to be featured (by Dud Candler) is Farthingloe Hillclimb, situated between Dover & Folkestone which operated for a few years in the late seventies and early eighties.
Steve Wilkninson looks back at his favourite year of Motor Sport, 1971 and the retrospectives continue with a Derek Hill interview with Barrie Williams' hillclimbing exploits followed by a double page photo montage of historic Lotuses at Shelsley Walsh in 2012.
Two single seaters are profiles, the new SBD OMS 25 and the Reynard 883 Kawasaki of the Spencer brothers. Profiles continue with a feature on Sarah Bosworth, winner of the 2012 Harewood Championship.
The issue rounds off with our tame Scrute' looking at the role scrutineers play in safety and regular columns from Clive Wooster, Paul Parker and Jerry Sturman.

Speedscene 172 Jan/Feb 2013 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 172 Jan/Feb 2013 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 171 Nov/Dec 2012
The cover of Speedscene 171 features a crisp John Hayward photo of one of the new class of very fast roadgoing specialist production cars - in this instance the Caterham Duratec of Simon Jenks on his way to a new class record at Shelsley Walsh.Inside Les Buck makes his debut as Chairman as Jerry Sturman bows out as Editor after 20 years of editing Speedscene.
The British Speed event season is capped off with reports from the British Hillclimb Championship at Prescott, Doune and Loton Park and the British Sprint Championship at Anglesey.
The final rounds of the REIS HSA Speed Championship at Anglesey, Loton Park, Thoresby Park, Shelsley Walsh and Curborough are covered along with a myriad of club events from around the country. Steve Wilkinson covers the Bo'ness revival meeting and the Harewood Golden Jubilee.
Les Buck visit a commentator's hut to watch proceedings from the other side of the mike while Peter Herbert reflects on a season spent in his road car after a rod ventilated the BDH block in his racer.
Being December the Christmas Quiz makes its annual return together with a summary of the major 2012 Championship standings.
The issue is completed with regular contributions from the Paddock Prowler, the Speedscene, book reviews, Paul Parker, Clive Wooster and Jerry Sturman considers the likely consequences of OMS ending the Gould's 14 consecutive BHC titles.

Speedscene 171 Nov/Dec 2012 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 171 Nov/Dec 2012 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 170 Sept/Oct 2012
Issue 170's cover features a dramatic photo by Eddie Walder of Jos Goodyear's Raptor leaving the line at Bouley Bay on his way to his Channel Islands record rout.Inside, there are reports from the British Hillclimb Championship rounds at Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val des Terres, Wiscombe, Craigantlet, Shelsley Wals and Gurston Down. The British Sprint Championship events at Kirkistown and Kames are covered along with all the very popular REIS HSA Speed Championship.
'Between the beams' catches up with the action from places as far afield as Clay Pigeon, Castle, Garron Point and Goodwood. Dud Candler take a retrospective look at the short but chequered history of the Rotherfield Park hillclimb in Hampshire while 'a visit to....' goes behind the scenes with Malvern Motorsports Timing Services known to many simply as Resultsman.
The issue concludes with all the usual features including book reviews, a blast from the past, the speedscene, even a couple of letters, Clive Wooster and Paul Parker's pieces and finally with Jerry Sturman unveiling a little more history of the sport.

Speedscene 170 Sept/Oct 2012 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 170 Sept/Oct 2012 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 169 July/August 2012
The Speedscene 169 cover features Ian Baxter in classic arms fully crossed pose as he struggles to control his supercharged MG Bellevue - a great shot from photographer Julian Dyer.Chairman, Chris Bennett reflects on the Indy 500 and lessons for UK Speed events as the issue begins with British Hillclimb reports from Barbon, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley, Loton and Doune. Meanwhile the British Sprint has visited Snetterton and Pembrey and the HSA was at Werrington, MIRA and Prescott. 'Between the Beams' reports on events from the Isle of Man, Wiscombe, Harewood, Loton, Crystal Palace, Goodwood and Gurston.
There is also plenty of bits and piiece in 'the speedscene' along with a report of the Irish hillclimb scene. There is a reflective piece (plus some excellent period photos from Steve Wilkinson) by Dud Candler on Pontypool Park from 1974 to go with our usual contributions from Paul Parker, Clive Wooster, a Marshal's view, the paddock prowler and finally Jerry Sturman looks back at Mike Hall's exploits with his Morgans over the years.

Speedscene 169 July/August 2012 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 169 July/August 2012 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 168 April/May 2012
Speedscene 168 begins with an unusual cover photo - Tom Lawther's Rover SD1 at Croft Hillclimb in Northern Ireland. Only two National events had been held by the time we went to press - the first rounds of the British Hillclimb Chgampionship at Prescott and the first round of the British Sprint Championship at Castle Combe.These are followed by a page from a 'virtual' Speedscen from 1962 and a highly informative visit to Vulcan Dezign.
Between the beams includes reports from early season events at Loton Park, Harewood and Gurston Down while HSA rounds at Combe, Mallory Park, Loton, Lydden Hill, Loton, Gurston and Wiscombe are covered. A number of events from the interesting Irish Hillclimb scene are reported.
Alan Goodwin of Aldon contributes the third and final episode of the AL3 story, a car originally built for sports racing in the 1970s and still looks stunning over 30 years later.
Regular features include Paul Parker's technical piece, Clive Wooster's take on his season so far, a 'Blst form the Past, book reviews, even a letter to the editor! the speedscene news and finally Jerry Sturman's senoir moments which recall the days of insilenced competition on the hills.

Speedscene 168 April/May 2012 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 168 April/May 2012 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 167 Jan/Feb 2012
The winter/spring issue of Speedscene always has a different look and feel to the other issues published during the year as there are no events to report on. Speedscene 167 is no different and offers an interesting collection of features and articles which don't usually make it into the regular issues.Featuring Antony Orchard's Westfield Megabusa on the cover taken at a very wet Gurston last June the issues leads with an article by well known and successful race engineer, Alan Mugglestone, revealing the tweaks and developments behind son Nick's HSA Championship winning Mazda MX5. If ytou want to know how to go about winning a major Championship read this first!
Next up is a review of the 2011 Irish Hillclimbing season followed by a review of the Midland Speed Championship. A visit to.... this time goes to the celebrated McLurg Motorsport (another past HSA Champion) to see some of the rare and desirable cars being prepared/restored. Out 'tame' scrutineer looks further into some of the rule changes being made for 2012 and Dud Candler has penned an interesting retrospective on the East Sussex hillclimb of Bodiam.
In a revival of a popular feature 'The garage - what's in yours?' Peter Herbert reveals a very tidy garage and some interesting contents. The issue is wrapped up with the usual regulars - plenty of book reviews, a wordsearch competition, the speedscene, a blast from the past, Clive Wooster's unique take on things, Paul Parker's comments on some recent Blue Book changes and finally Jerry Sturman ponders the majesty of his 'King of Hills' Doune in Scotland.

Speedscene 167 Jan/Feb 2012 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 167 Jan/Feb 2012 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 166 December 2011
The final issue of Speedscene for 2011 features Rob Steven's lurid, Midland Hillclimb Championship winning Force SR4 on the cover.Inside the final rounds of the 2011 British Hillclimb Championship from Prescott, Doune and Loton are covered. A season review of the SBD/BARC Speed Championship is followed by a round up of the final rounds of the REIS/HSA Speed Championship plus a variety of other event reports including Olivers Mount, Odiham, Brands, Wiscombe, Gurston, 3 Sisters, Harewood, Eelmoor and Combe. Phew!
Special features include an interview with new BHC co-ordinator Tim Wilson and Dud Candler's visit to the historic Kop Hill in Buckinghamshire. Jerry Sturman goes to the Brighton Speed Trials and Chris Bennett discovers the story behind Simpson exhausts and sees a new take on modern art. There is also an article from the Ginetta owners club whose Championship is to be included with the HSA in 2012. Being the Christmas isse there is, of course, the annual quiz which may be a little easier this year so have a go!
Finally all the usual regulars are present from book reviews to Pete Smith's view from the Marshal's post, Clive Wooster's unique commentray on his sporting exploits, Paul Parker's technical commentary and the editor's reflections on years gone by.

Speedscene 166 December 2011 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 166 December 2011 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 165 October 2011
The bumper autumn issue of Speedscene fills a full 60 pages with reports of many summer speed events including the British Hillclimb Championship at Harewood, Bouley Bay, Val des Terres, Wiscombe, Craigantlet, Shelsley Walsh and Gurston Down. British Sprint events at Kirkistown, Cadwell Park and Kames are covered along with the latest REIS/HSA rounds and many other club events from Goodwood to Mamhead.A round up of the HSA Championship is complemented with a similar report from the Midland Speed competition and there is plenty of news in the Speedscene section.
New for Issue 165 our 'Paddock Prowler' reports from paddocks at Speed events around the country.
Our 'tame' scrutineer looks at some regulation changes and a 'visit to...' looks at Mark Bailey Racing and their Hewland Gearbox business. Regular columns from Peter Smith, Paul Parker, Clive Wooster and Jerry Sturman complete the issue along with plenty of book reviews and a tricky 'blast from the past'.

Speedscene 165 October 2011 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 165 October 2011 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 164 July 2011
With the hillclimbing and sprinting season now well under way Speedscene 164 features reports from all arounf the country covering events from the prestigious National championships to club events at less well frequented venues.Featuring Roger Moran taming his V8 power at a very wet Loton Park (photo by Rich Danby) on the cover Issue 164 includes BHC reports from Barbon, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley, Loton and Doune along with BSC events at Snetterton, Pembrey and Anglesey.
All REIS HSA Championship rounds are reported including those at Werrington, Shelsley, MIRA, Wiscombe, Mallory and Prescott.
Peter Smith goes all French at Le Vie en Bleu from Prescott while 'Between the beams' includes a full report from Crystal Palace. 'A visit to' uncovers the story behind ADR Engineering and 'Readers' Letters' features more prominently than usual.
The issue is wrapped up by Paul Parker looking at the topical issue of Championship formats, Clive Wooster recounting his early season experiences and finally Jerry Sturman considers the genesis of bike engined racing cars.
ERRATA: The excellent action photos from the British sprint round at Anglesey on pages 32 to 35 are courtesy of Neil Lambert of Lambo Sport and not the credit that appears. We apologise for this error.

Speedscene 164 July 2011 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 164 July 2011 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 163 May/June 2011
The winter wait is over and at last there are events to report. Featuring Trevor Willis' new OMS-Poweretec having its debut at Prescott on the cover, this issue begins with National Hillclimb and Sprint Championship event reports from Prescott, Castle Combe, Silverstone and Ingliston.Tiff Needell and the Fifth Gear team's outing at Gurston in a V8 Ariel takes pride of place in the news section along with an update from the popular REIS/HSA Championship including reports from early season events at Gurston, Mallory, Loton and from our reporters across the Irish Sea at Wexford and Clare.
Regular features include a marshal's eye view, plenty of book reviews, a 'blast from the past' and pieces from Paul Parker (looking at some Blue Book regulation changes), Clive Wooster (his experiences at some Spring events) and Jerry Sturman (who considers how the scoring system and calendar of the BHC has evolved over the years).

Speedscene 163 May/June 2011 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 163 May/June 2011 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 162 Feb/March 2011
This is a typically queit time of year for the sport with no events to report so this issue is devoted to topics of a more general nature of interest to competitors and spectators.The 'Speedscene' section kicks off the issue with a larger than usual with a round up of news items. This is followed by an interview by Dud Candler with former British Hillclimb Champion, Scott Moran about his circuit racing debut at the end of 2010.
Imps and their engines have long been an established feature of Sprinting and Hillclimbing and Tony Tewson (of Superclutch) looks back on the halcyon days of special saloons. Our regular review of popular Speed Championships take in the Midland Speed this time and is followed by a couple of articles of topical interest - race fuels (and oils) and HANS devices.
'A visit to....' travels to the far West to get the lowdown on Goodridge's hoses and fittings business while regular features from a scrutineer and a marshal make their usual appearances.
All the answers to the Christmas quiz, which saw a tie for first place, are provided along with a montage of colourful scenes from 2010 paddocks. Plenty of letters and book reviews are in evidence and the issue is rounded off with pieces from Paul Parker, Clive Wooster and Jerry Sturman who explores the background to the Norrie Galbraith Trophy.

Speedscene 162 Feb/March 2011 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 162 Feb/March 2011 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 161 December 2010
The editorial team are particularly proud of this issue (in terms of quality and content) and hope that our readers feel the same way.Although it is the Christmas issue without too many event reports left over from the end of the season, Issue 161 still contains British Hillclimb reports from Shelsley, Gurston, Prescott, Doune and Loton . HSA Championship rounds at Anglesey and Brands (with the timeless headline 'Sketchley cleans up again'!) receive separate reports and the final round at Curborough is covered in the Champ Co-ordinator's round up. The HSA championship visited a number of new(ish) venues in 2010 and a competitor's eye view is provided to Brands, Mallory, Doune and Silverstone Stowe.
'Between the beams' covers events including the Knockalla hillclimb in Ireland, the Brighton speed trials and the season closer at Gurston. There is a summary of the final positions in all the major 2010 speed championships and regular photographer, John hayward has a gallery page of older competition vehicles.
There are two 'Visits to....' in this issue. Peter Herbert visits JC Racing, one of the north of England's fastest growing race prep companies and Chris Bennett describes his visit to the Gilles Villeneuve museum in Quebec.
Dud Candler goes back to the East Sussex venue of Firle for an in depth review of this hillclimb while Chris Dymock looks forward by describing a fantasy hillclimb in the grounds of the NT estate of Tyntesfield just south of Bristol.
Peter Smith provides an insight into the training that marshals experience prior to the start of the season. All the regular features are present including a 'blast from the past', book reviews and columns from Paul Parker, Jerry Sturman and Clive Wooster.
Finally, being the Christmas issue, the familiar 'ye olde chrystmasse quizze' (enough of the cheesy spelling!) makes its annual appearance and we have been assured that it is much easier than last year so get your entries in by February 5th!

Speedscene 161 December 2010 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 161 December 2010 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 160 October 2010
Issue 160 features Chris Williams' mighty 24 litre Napier Bentley at Shelsley Walsh on the cover and includes reports from the British Hillclimb rounds at Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val de Terres, Wiscombe and Martin Groves' 100th win at Craigantlet.The British Sprint rounds at Kirkistown, Kames, Lydden and Colerne wrap up the 2010 championship along with reports from other events at the Owen MC's Curborough, Goodwood, Prescott, Llandow, Llys Y Fran, Harewood, Lydden, Gurston, Naul and Mamhead which testify to the enormous range and variety of venues on offer.
'A visit to...' takes in Moran Motorhomes (a name synonamous with British Hillclimbing) and the Championship Focus spotlight falls on the popular Paul Matty Lotus championship. A new contributor, Peter Smith, shares his experiences from behind the armco in Marshalling Matters while our friendly scrute provides a useful checklist for winter competition car maintenance.
The issue is rounded off with plenty of book reviews, Paul Parker's technical round up and CLive Wooster's regular column.

Speedscene 160 October 2010 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 160 October 2010 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 159 Aug/Sept 2010
Speedscene Issue 159, the second in the new format and full colour layout, features reports from the summer's British Hillclimb Championship rounds at Barbon, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley, Loton & Doune while the MSA British Sprint rounds at Ingliston, Pembrey & Anglesey are reported.Plenty of club events are included including the return of motor sport to the iconic venue of Crystal Palace and a round of the Irish Sprint & Hillclimb Championship at Wexford. A new feature, Championship Focus, appears in this issue and the spotlight falls on the long standing and popular Luffield MG Championship. 'A visit to' take a summer break but regular articles from Paul Parker, 'a scrutineer', Clive Wooster and Jerry Sturman all make an appearance.
Some particularly interesting book reviews are included and the 'blast from the past' is of an rather unusual car.

Speedscene 159 Aug/Sept 2010 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 159 Aug/Sept 2010 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 158 June 2010
Speedscene 158 heralds the new look, full colour version of the magazine. With it's colour coded sections and new editorial style the magazine is now bang up to date and stands alongside its much bigger brethren to be found on newsagents shelves.Issue 158 begins with news from the speed scene and this is followed by a BHC report from Prescott and BSC reports from Combe, Croft and Silverstone. HSA (and other Championships) rounds at Loton, Gurston, Wiscombe and Shelsley follow along with 'A visit to' which this time ventures to deepest Cheshire to meet with PRG trailers.
'Between the beams' reports on a variety of events including new venues such as Ballyvaughen and Ballyryan in Ireland along with Harewood, Gurston, Wiscombe and Werrington. Our tame scrute' takes a look at the new helmets on the market and there are plenty of interesting book reviews to tempt the reader.
Graham Easter delves into the world of dyno testing and Peter Herbert considers a 'fantasy hillclimb' on roads adjacent to the A1. The issue is rounded off with regular pieces from Paul Parket, Clive Wooster and Jerry Sturman

Speedscene 158 June 2010 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 158 June 2010 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 157 March 2010
The winter issue is, by virtue of the time of year, lacking in event reports so is filled with more reflective articles looking back on seasons past and towards the season to come.
Dud Chandler continues his reminiscences of the recently revived Kop hillclimb, Tony Adams looks at the Loton park hillclimb course and reveals some exciting potential future developments, Peter Herbert describes twenty years of competition in a Westfield while 2009 Richard Egger Insurance HSA Speed Champion recounts his winning season.
Kathryn Blackburn looks forward to the 2010 HSA Championship and Bo'ness historian Kenny Baird recalls Scottish hillclimb venues past and present.
Regular features from Clive Wooster, Paul Parker and 'a scrutineer' appear along with 'a visit to' Philspeed race engines, plenty of book reviews, a feature on Go Motorsport and the latest news in 'the SpeedsScene'.

Speedscene 157 March 2010 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 157 March 2010 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 156 December 2009
The Christmas 2009 issue features British Sprint Champion, Nick Algar in his Gould GR55 in full flight on the cover. The Sprinting theme is continued inside with a picture of Glyn Sketchley's Force on the contents page.
Jerry Sturman reports on the final British Hillclimb Championship events of the year at Gurston Down, Prescott and Doune while Steve Wilkinson reports of the last British Sprint Championship round at Mallory Park.
There are reports of late season club events at Shelsley, Curborough, Aintree, Bo'ness, Gurston and Alderney.
Paul Smith of BMTR tyres take a look at the vexing issue (for roadgoing competitors) of List 1A versus List 1B tyres. A scrutineer gives readers a timely reminder of safety issues by delving into the subject of Srutineer's Accident Reports.
The familiar Christma Quiz makes its annual appearance along with the usual interesting book reviews. Regular features from Paul Parker and Clive Wooster are supplemented with Dud Candler's reminiscences of the Kop Hill venue and Continental correspondent, Peter Herbert, re-lives a few summer days spent hillclimbing in the Channel Islands.

Speedscene 156 December 2009 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 156 December 2009 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 155 Oct/Nov 2009
Speedscene 155 kicks off with a splendid John Hayward photo of Trevor Willis' 2.8 Powertec/SBD engined OMS CF06 on the cover. Inside the Chairman begins by reflecting on classic UK circuits and the insular nature of some of those interested in motor sport.
British Hillclimb Championship reports include rounds at Doune, Harewood, Bouley Bay, Le Val de Terres, Wiscombe, Craigantlet and Shelsely Walsh. British Sprint Championship rounds at Kirkistown, Leinster, Kames, Lydden and Colerne are reported on by Steve Wilkinson as usual.
Event reports conclude with HSA Championship rounds as well as many other club events. The view from a Marshal looks at how incidents are dealt with and the Scrutineer's column covers driver's safety equipment including HANS devices which are beginning to make an appearance on the hills.
Jerry Sturman's 'Senior Moments' column does a 'where are they now?' on some of the founding members of the HSA. 'A visit to....' goes along to Surrey to find out more on the well known engine tuning company SBD Developments while the issue finishes with the regular columns from Paul Parker, Clive Wooster together with some interesting book reviews and a roundup of news in 'The Speedscene'.

Speedscene 155 Oct/Nov 2009 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 155 Oct/Nov 2009 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 154 August 2009
This issue features Andy Dunbar's modified Westfield three wheeling through Pardon corner at Prescott at the June meeting.
Plenty of National Championship round reports can be found including the British Hillclimb events at Barbon, Harewood, Loton, Gurston and Shelsley Walsh, British Sprint events at Anglesey and Pembrey as well as other mid season events at Loton, Curborough (2), Prescott, Werrington, Mamhead, Harewood, Gurston and Aintree.
Jerry Sturman's Senior Moments column looks back over the 30 years of the HSA (mistakenly referred to as the 25th Anniversary - its been that long!) and the evolution of Speedscene magazine, 'A visit to...' takes us to Force Racing Cars and there are detailed obituaries for two great names from the sport, Allan Staniforth and Tony Marsh.
The issue is rounded off by the usual pieces from Paul Parker, Clive Wooster, 'A Scrute' and an interesting article on the List 1A & 1B debate from member and competitor Mike Smith.

Speedscene 153 June 2009
This issue features Alan Goodwin's unique ALDON AL3, resplendent in its new 2009 colours at Shelsely Walsh in May.
Inside, all the usual features are present including reports of the British Hillclimb events at Loton Park and Prescott, British Sprint events at Castle Combe and Croft as well as other early season events at Gurston Down (2), Werrington Park, Curborough, Wiscombe Park, Shelsley Walsh and Oliver's Mount.
For this issue Speedscene reporters visit Dialynx Performance, home of some amazing Audis, while 'pistonbroke', our friendly marshal and 'scrute', our source within the scrutineering fraternity reveal more from their respective perspectives , Anne Greenalgh recounts the hillclimb and sprint career of her late husband, Norman and Jerry Sturman lets us into some of a commentator's secrets.
The issue is rounded off with more news, some interesting book reviews, regular columns from Paul Parker and Clive Wooster and finally some new technical items from Piper Exhausts and AVT Sentinel tracking systems.

Speedscene 153 June 2009 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 153 June 2009 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 152 Feb/March 2009
A quiet time of year with no events to report so a chance to reflect on things past and those to come.
The Issue starts with an interesting article by 2008 debutante (?) Barbara Fogden describing her experiences with her inexpensive Mazda MX-5. This is followed by part 2 of the Aldon AL2 story with the car returning back to the UK and its originator, Alan Goodwin after a long spell in the USA.
Two new features appear in this issue. One is a view from the 'other side of the fence' with a marshal recounting some of his experiences on the hills. The other is a timely piece from a 'friendly scrutineer' helping to interpret the 2009 rule changes.
All the othe usual features are present including 'a visit to' Pillinger Motorsports, Jerry Sturman's 'senior moments' looks at post war hillclimbing, the Speedscene, familiar pieces from Russ Ward, Paul Parker and Clive Wooster plus plenty of book reviews and a centre spread of the HSA committee with their cars.

Speedscene 152 Feb/March 2009 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 152 Feb/March 2009 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 151 December 2008
The popular Christmas issue of Speedscene features 2008 SBD British Sprint champion, Stewart Robb junior and his 4.0 Pilbeam-Judd KV4 MP88 on the cover.
Issue 151 includes British Hillclimb championship reports from Prescott, Loton and Doune plus the final British Sprint report of the season from Cadwell Park. There is a results round up of all the major Hillclimb and Sprint championships across the country. Club events from Curborough, Shelsley and Scammonden Dam are also featured.
Book reviews include the autobiography of hillclimbing's favourite son, Andy Priaulx. Jerry Sturman's Senior Moments column features reminiscences of the classic Lotus 35 although he does (as usual!) digress into an interesting story concerning an Imp engine's timing dowel.
Regular contributions from Clive Wooster and Paul Parker are supplemented by a 'Visit to...' BMTR tyres and an interesting 'Drive it...' feature on the popular Antree track by Elise driver Gary Thomas.
A colourful centre spread and a feature on the proposed Bee Automobiles electric Hillclimb car can also be found. Finally, being the Christmas issue the familiar XMAS quiz rounds off the issue.

Speedscene 151 December 2008 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 151 December 2008 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 150 September/October 2008
The historic 150th issue of Speedscene features a thumbs up from Scott Moran having won the 2008 British Hillclimb championship on its cover.
It includes British Hillclimb reports from Harewood, Bouley Bay, Val des Terres, the golden jubilee Wiscombe, Craigantlet, Shelsley Walsh and Gurston Down. British Sprint rounds from Llandow and Colerne are reported together with rounds of the Richard Egger Insurance HSA championship and other events including a rare Sprint at Brands Hatch.
Jerry Sturman looks back at long lost hillclimb venues around London and the South East while the 'A visit to' series goes to Cougar Engineering who have looked after many of the fastest Seven type cars on the hills.
Plenty of interesting book reviews and othe regular features complete the issue.

Speedscene 150 September/October 2008 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 150 September/October 2008 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 149 August 2008
Speedscene 149 is the biggest issue of the year at 68 pages and covers events held during the summer (or what there was of it in 2008!) months. The cover features Jos Goodyear's 4 Litre Pilbeam at Harewood at the end of May.
British Hillclimb Championship rounds at Barbon, Harewood, Gurston, Shelsley, Loton and Doune are covered along with British Sprint Championship rounds at Pembrey, Lydden and Anglesey.
The "visit to...." series goes to DTA, home of one of the UK's leading ECU developers and Senior correspondent, Jerry Sturman recalls memories of Gurston Down. A busy "the speedscene" section of news, an extensive set of book reviews, numerous reports of club events and regular features from Clive Wooster and Paul Parker complete the issue.

Speedscene 149 August 2008 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 149 August 2008 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 148 June 2008
Speedscene 148 covers events during April and May features Ian Fidoe winning his class at Shelsley Walsh in May in his smart and rare Pilbeam MP43.
A big issue at 60 pages starting with a report of the British Hillclimb championship round at Prescott and the early British Sprint rounds at Croft, Combe, Mallory and East Fortune.
There is a description of the little known but highly demanding Sprint track at Longcross, arguably the closest to London, situated near to Chobham and a 'Visit to' RAW Engineering, home of the popular and successful (one won the HSA Championship in 2007) Striker.
A new innovation sees a precis of the most recent HSA committee meeting plus a colour centre spread of an eclectix mix of competitors. There is the full round up of many club meetings including all the Richard Egger Insurance HSA Championship rounds along with events at Gurston, Lydden, Three Sisters and Harewood.
The issue is rounded off with the regular contributions from Jerry Sturman, Paul Parker and Clive Wooster and some interesting book reviews and letters.

Speedscene 148 June 2008 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 148 June 2008 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 147 February/March 2008
This 'Winter' issue of Speedscene features a clasic action photo of Matt Oliver's Gould Judd on its cover amply demonstrating the wealth of modern and extremely powerful machinery to be seen at Sprints and Hillclimbs around the country.
This issue also premieres two new feature articles - 'A visit to.....' and 'Senior moments'. In the first, our correspondents will visit organisations who we hope are both of interest and relevance to our readership, beginning with Merlin Motorsports at Castle Combe who supply race parts for all competitors but particularly for older and more unusual cars. The second is a regular column from Jerry Sturman, for many years the editor of Speedscene, who revisits interesting events form the past and puts them into today's context.
Also in this issue is a celebration of the Reverend Barry Whitehead's forty years in Speed events written by fellow competitor Allan Staniforth, the 2008 calendars of many of the most prominent Championships, a fascinating history of outgoing sponsor, Alan Goodwin's ALDON AL3, a feature on Dave Oldridge's most successful season to date with his OMS Hornet Yamaha plus the usual news, book reviews, Clive Wooster & Paul Parker columns and colour photographs.

Speedscene 147 February/March 2008 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 147 February/March 2008 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 146 December 2007
The final issue of 2007 wraps up the major championships leading with reports of the British Hillclimb Championship from Doune and Shelsley Walsh and the final round of the British Sprint Championship from Aintree.
The final two rounds of the ALDON HSA Speed Championship from Loton Park and Curborough are covered. The 'between the beams' section includes reports from Gurston Down, Longleat, Thoresby and Prescott. Steve Wilkinson take time off from Sprinting and has a day out at Shelsley and continental correspondent Peter Herbert visits Craigantlet.
This issue includes the ever popular Christmas Quiz along with the regular columns from Paul Parker and Clive Wooster. Suspension wizard Allan Staniforth unravels some of the mysteries of spring rates in a feature article and the issue is rounded off with the usual collection of book reviews and classified ads.

Speedscene 146 December 2007 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 146 December 2007 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)
Speedscene 145 October/November 2007
Speedscene 145 features Fyrth Crosse's Mallock on the cover at Shelsley Walsh during some of the wettest conditions experienced in the UK during the summer, included reports of all the British Hillclimb Championship rounds at Harewood, Wiscombe, the Channel Islands, Craigantlet, Gurstond Down and Prescott.
The British Sprint Championship was reported with rounds at Llandow, Kirkistown and Colerne and the ALDON HSA Championship rounds at MIRA and Shelsley were also covered.
The regular 'between the beam' section included coverage of events at Aintree, Loton Park (5 events), Gurston Down, Shelsley Walsh, Scamonden Dam and Brands Hatch.
With so many events covered there was only enough space left for a couple of pages of book reviews and a centre colour spread featuring many familiar cars from the hills and the tracks.

Speedscene 145 October/November 2007 £8.20 UK including P&P
Speedscene 145 October/November 2007 £10.20 outside UK (airmail)